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ApexSQL Diff release notes




June 10, 20242


  • The "Failed to login. Internet connec􀆟on is required to con􀆟nue. Click Retry to try again" error is encountered on applica􀆟on start
  • 230622: Snapshot crea􀆟on error due to an invalid name character in '[ExecuteAsPrincipalName]k__BackingField'
  • 230345: Encounter of "Connec􀆟on failed. Unable to load snapshot" error message when using the CLI switch '/ex' for expor􀆟ng the database to a snapshot file.




October 10, 2022


  • 217346: Creating history table statement appears in "Synchronization script" instead of "Alter history table statement" when trying to synchronize tables from SQL Server to Azure SQL Server
  • 212730: "Errors encountered in object scripts. Some objects may not be created properly" error is encountered when running comparison against test database
  • 213559: "The script difference view" does not show the right information for the table trigger
  • 215835: "Unable to cast object of type 'System.DBNull' to type 'System.String'" message is shown when comparing two databases where one has external data source
  • 216429: Excluded objects are compared although they are excluded from the "Object filter" tab and exported in "Object filter" file which is using with /ofs switch through CLI
  • 216874: "Unable to cast object of type 'System.DBNull' to type 'System.String'" message is shown when comparing two databases with one being MongoDB as external source
  • 219776: The objects are not checked in the main grid after clicking on the "Refresh" button when changing those objects on the destination side after the comparison between two databases is done
  • 223570: Scroll bars in "Script difference" view external window are not overlapping the text field placeholders
  • 216610: "LEFT JOIN" statement in sp procedure presented as "WHERE" statement in ApexSQL Diff "Difference view table" when the "White space" option is enabled
  • 221570: App crashes when parsing dependency
  • 221569: Inconsistency with "Internal difference viewer" between ApexSQL Diff v2021.01 and v2018.02
  • 224049: "Parse error: [Incorrect syntax near '{'] at [position: 17, line: 1, column: 18]" error is encountered when using AT TIME ZONE multiple times
  • 213559: The script difference view does not show the right information for the table trigger

Known issues

  • 219624: "The 'ApexSOLDiff_InstPackage' package did not load correctly" error is encountered when the Visual Studio 2019 16.7 version is started




March 21, 2022


  • 211637: "Specified source control project path "$/" does not exist" CLI message appears when trying to synchronize the database with an empty Git source control repository located on non-main TFS branch
  • 211793: The Git repository hosted on Azure DevOps Services is empty when default branch name is customized during synchronization of a live database with Git repository through CLI
  • 206641: The “Schema” column is not populated with related schemas when Left-aligned view is used in the main grid
  • 169039: The location path of a created backup is missing in the CLI execution summary
  • 213732: The error messages in the Result dialog are now red color-coded
  • 178387: "Selected script folder does not have corresponding folder structure" error is encountered when an empty script folder is used as a destination for comparison
  • 209257: "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error is encountered when trying to synchronize database with empty Subversion source control repository using CLI
  • 215974: Exported comparison HTML file for SSIS package is not interactively structured
  • 209519: "Error occurred while creating objects from script file" error is encountered when comparing the source control repository which containing objects defined via “WITH RESULT SETS” command
  • 181277: The “Identity” column is not recognized correctly when the column is created via the “IDENTITY NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY” statement
  • 210397: Comparing the Script folder with the Backup file difference view indicate on NULL parameters although the columns in the Script folder do not have it


  • The activation model is switched to Subscription
    • Trust server certificate option is added under the “Connection options” dialog
    • The application does not support integration into SQL Server Management Studio 2012, 2014, and 2016 versions
    • The application does not support integration into Visual Studio 2010, 2012, 2013, and 2015 versions

    Known limitations

    • 219624 "The 'ApexSOLDiff_InstPackage' package did not load correctly" error is encountered when the Visual Studio 2019 16.7 version is started




    February 10, 2021



    • 152182: The application ignores schema mapping settings when database comparison is performed
    • 157532: Generated synchronization script contains statements to rename constraints in destination when the Ignore constraint names option is selected and there are changes in default columns
    • 167876: Synchronization fails when a SQL function with the schemabinding method has dependency with a table column
    • 180426: The Script difference view panel is not showing the Create view statement on the destination side, while it is shown when the View DDL for destination object command from the right-click context menu in the main grid is clicked
    • 186024: The Usage window from SQL Server Management Studio is shown when using the SQL Server Management Studio 18 editor in the Synchronization wizard instead of opening the created synchronization script
    • 186025: The synchronization script is not opened when the SQL Server Management Studio 18 exe file location is set under the Output tab in the Options window as the external editor
    • 187415: The script folder path is not recognized when manually entering the location for the Script folder data source
    • 183529: The Script difference viewer panel is not refreshing objects in it when the second search is performed
    • 179052: External script difference viewer opened from the right-click is showing different results from the Script difference view panel loaded in the main grid
    • 178137: SQL Server version is not saved in the project file when using the Source control as a data source
    • 171534: "Cannot connect to database 'DatabaseName' on server ''. Login failed for user 'username'" error is encountered when comparing a snapshot and Azure SQL Database without permissions to access the master database
    • 170334: "Make sure correct username and password are specified" message is shown when the Git source control password is changed in host and updated in application connection configuration
    • 168614: "Unable to connect to SQL Server Invalid URL: The URL is empty" error is encountered when the Compare now button is clicked in the Project management window for previously saved project that contains the Active Directory – Universal with MFA support authentication
    • 168436: The Compare button is not working in the Schema compare query window in Visual Studio after connecting to SQL Server using the Active Directory - Universal with MFA support authentication
    • 166514: The Clear button does not remove a list of loaded database backups when the Backup is set as the data source in the New project window
    • 166000: The application goes into not responding state when loading a database backup that has more than 2 GB in size
    • 162437: Synchronization wizard is closed when the Cancel button is clicked in the Save executable installer dialog
    • 162436: Synchronization wizard is closed when the Cancel button is clicked in the Save C# solution dialog
    • 162431: "ApexSql.Common.ScriptMetadata.Internal.Enums.SqlTypes [dbo].[FK__TableName__parent_path_locator__1053C] ignored. Primary key of table TableName not found" error is encountered while comparing XML schema collections object type
    • 161012: The application is not automatically closed during the update process
    • 154744: "ApexSql.Common.ScriptMetadata.Internal.Enums.SqlTypes" error is encountered while comparing a script folder against an empty database
    • 153935: "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error is encountered when comparing a saved project file that contains a list of SSIS packages and those package files were removed from the original location
    • 150524: The Ignore white space option under the Options tab in the New project window is not working when its checked and two databases are compared
    • 148301: Wrong output name is shown in the Automation script window for HTML source and destination outputs when output type is changed from C# solution or Executable installer to HTML source or destination
    • 148159: The Check/uncheck all check box does not change its state on a click when a column filter is entered in the Difference filter panel
    • 117260: Table header is shown in the HTML report even for empty table (Elements) for the SSIS comparison





    February 02, 2021


    • 199131: The Script difference view panel is not showing the correct information for a SQL function on the destination side when the Ignore white space option is checked under the Options tab
    • 199046: "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error message is shown on SQL Server Management Studio startup after the add-in installation
    • 191555: "Parse error: [Incorrect syntax near 'forcescan']" error is encountered when the With (forcescan) statement is used in a SQL procedure script while comparing a script folder with any other data source
    • 187160: The check/uncheck all check box in the main grid shows incorrect status when only a couple objects are checked
    • 188642: Brackets are shown as a difference in the Script difference view panel between compared two SQL triggers, even if the compared SQL triggers are the same on both sides
    • 183732: Temporal table definition is altered in the destination database when indexes are synchronized




    August 26, 2020


    • The synchronization script can't be opened when SQL Server Management Studio 18 is set as an editor under the Output tab of the Options window due to deprecated - P argument when using SQL Server authentication to connect to a database in the New project window
    • "Parsing errors: Parse error: [Incorrect syntax near 'ON'] at [position: 5213, line: 144, column: 10]" error is encountered when the ON clause was wrongly read instead of a role name that contains the On clause in its name while synchronization is finished between a database and source control data sources
    • "Parsing errors: Parse error: [Incorrect syntax near 'IF'] at [position: 250, line: 11, column: 42]" error is encountered when the Exists operator is used after the If statement in a SQL procedure script while comparing a script folder and database data sources
    • "Index and length must refer to a location within the string" error is encountered when exporting the comparison results into the HTML simple or HTML interactive report
    • Missing the Mapping configuration window when exporting the comparison results as the script folder export type
    • "ApexSql.Common.ScriptMetadata.Internal.Enums.SqlTypes ‘[@LoopL1000_Loop]' is ignored. Type [dbo].[EDI837P_L1000_LoopType] not found" error is encountered when the re-comparison is done after the synchronization between a database and source control is finished
    • Create a snapshot file pre-synchronization option under the Output options step in the Synchronization wizard window is not working
    • "The 'ApexSQLDiff_InstPackage' package did not load correctly" error is encountered when the SQL Server Management Studio 18.5 is started
    • "The 'ApexSQLDiff_InstPackage' package did not load correctly" error is encountered when the Visual Studio 2019 is started
    • "Parse error: [Incorrect syntax near 'FROM']" error is encountered when re-comparison is done after synchronizing the SQL store procedure from the live database to the Git repository
    • "Msg 13510, Level 16, State 1, Line ... Cannot set SYSTEM_VERSIONING to ON when SYSTEM_TIME period is not defined" error is encountered when executing synchronization script with statements that convert target table to temporal table
    • "Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Procedure VW_T_CTRL_TRIGGER_MESSAGE_FLAT, Line 23 [Batch Start Line 9569], Invalid object name 'dbo.CTRL_TRIGGER_MESSAGE'." error is encountered when executing generated synchronization script
    • "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error is encountered in the Output options step of the Synchronization wizard when script folders are used for source and destination
    • The synchronization script does not perform the rollback when error ocurrs in the INSERT INTO statement
    • "SQL object doesn't exist" error is encountered when created script update triggers that are not on the default schema of the SQL database
    • The explorer goes to the default path instead of the configured one when browsing to save the SQL script file during the synchronization wizard
    • "Parse error: [Error in LR state engine] at [position: 2858, line: 56, column: 2]" when loading the stored procedures from the script folder
    • "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error is encountered in the Output options step of the synchronization wizard when script folders are used for source and destination





    March 09, 2020


    • Add with values option is added under the Synchronization options section of the Options tab in the New project window
    • The Add with values [awv] attribute value is added for the /struct_sync_options CLI switch


    • The comparison process is started again when the synchronization is finished, even if the Re-compare option is not checked under the Synchronization wizard window
    • The options that are selected in the Excel report options window do not affect the exported Excel file
    • Default value for the /backup switch is not set to the None value in the CLI
    • Authorization is still present in Script difference view panel, even when the Authorization option is checked in the Ignore comparison section of the Options window
    • "SSIS is not inited:Could not initialize SSIS libraries for version: 'MsSql2014'" message is shown when loading packages and SSIS 2014 is installed
    • "VIEW DATABASE STATE permission denied in database" error is encountered when comparing a snapshot and Azure SQL Database
    • The customized panels are reverted to the default state and size when the application is closed and started again
    • Collapsed columns are automatically expanded when any object is selected in the main application grid




    December 19, 2019


    • SQL Server 2019 support
    • Temporal tables support
    • SQL graph tables support
    • Create new database feature is added under the Data sources tab of the New project window
    • Play a sound upon finished operation option is added under the General tab of the Options window


    • Loaded snapshot data source information are removed when the Browse button for a snapshot path is clicked and then the Cancel button is clicked
    • "Parsing errors: Parse error: [Incorrect syntax near 'ON']" error is encountered when comparing a table that contains the Filestream on statement
    • "There was an error generating the XML document" error is encountered when the Options window is opened with a click on the Settings button for the Editor in the Synchronization wizard and then the Cancel button is clicked
    • Missing 'at' identifier in a SQL view, when object is compared from database script folder
    • "Parsing errors: Parse error: [Incorrect syntax near 'ON']" error is encountered during the comparison of views that contain With (no lock) on statement
    • The application's add-in is integrated in SQL Server Management Studio when installed via ApexSQL Installer
    • Symbols are shown for the commit comment on the Git repository when repository is used as destination to synchronize objects, instead of the provided text before commit
    • "Object reference not set to an instance of an object error" is encountered when the Save as automation script command is clicked after initiating the comparison from Visual Studio
    • "Object reference not set to an instance of an object error" is encountered when the Save as automation script command is clicked after initiating the comparison from SQL Server Management Studio
    • The last used path for Snapshot data source under the Data sources tab in the New project window is not remembered
    • The last used path for Script folder data source under the Data sources tab in the New project window is not remembered
    • The version of the selected solution is higher than the solution version supported by this Visual Studio release message is shown when Visual Studio 2017 version is selected in the Synchronization wizard to create C# solution and then opened in Visual Studio 2017
    • C# solution is opened in Visual Studio 2017 upon generating it, even though Visual Studio 2019 version was selected in the Synchronization wizard
    • Inability to set custom subfolder naming for the Mapping configuration window
    • "Find reached the starting point of the search message" is shown when using the Find option in the Integrated editor
    • "The type initializer for 'ApexSql.Common.UI.Forms.MetroMessage'" error is encountered when connecting to the Team Foundation Server repository via Windows authentication
    • The Set as destination command needs to be initiated twice in order to load the destination database in Visual Studio's Schema compare query window
    • Scripts difference view doesn't show any color on which line is a difference for columns
    • The Output.txt name is added each time at the end of the text box for the Redirect console output to file option in the Automation script window when the Browse button is clicked and then the Cancel button in the opened Browse for folder dialog
    • "Cannot alter column 'ColumnName' on table 'TableName' because it is not a supported operation on system-versioned temporal" error is encountered during the synchronization of different temporal tables
    • "Objects TableName not compared yet" error is encountered when only two SQL tables are checked in the main grid and export to a SQL script is used
    • Synchronization script is executed with error, if data sources are different in SQL defaults and are bound to two columns of one table
    • Temporary unbounded SQL defaults are not bounded again at the end of the synchronization script which will cause new differences in SQL tables
    • Application role, Asymmetric key, Certificate and Symmetric key SQL objects are automatically enabled when the Mapping configuration window is opened, even if they were previously disabled
    • "Error during sync script generation" error is encountered when comparing data sources that contain temporal tables
    • ncrrect order of dependent objects when comparing database schema snapshot with blank database and when the Include dependent objects option is unchecked
    • SQL execution errors are encountered when synchronizing script folder with an empty database
    • Missing statements to drop and recreate dependent objects when the Schemabinding method is used in a database and synchronization is performed using CLI
    • "Could not load file or assembly 'DevExpress.XtraDialogs.v18.2…' or one of its dependencies" error is encountered and application closes after clicking on the Save as button in the data sources tab in project configuration window


    • Dark theme is now used as the default application theme
    • Save as dialogs are now inheriting the application theme




    June 21, 2019





    May 31, 2019


    • Created synchronization script does not contain necessary statements to synchronize Temporal tables between databases
    • "Invalid object [dbo].[NVARCHAR]" error is encountered when invalid dependencies are checked before synchronization if script folder data source collation doesn't have mark about case insensitivity and SQL stored procedure has code where system datatypes
    • Differences in source control project are not shown in the Results grid once new objects are committed and the Refresh button is clicked in ApexSQL Diff for the current comparison of the same source control project
    • "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error is encountered when the OK button is clicked in the Connection options dialog after changing value for timeout options
    • "Invalid object name 'XXX'” error is encountered during the execution of the synchronization script due to incorrectly ordered SQL views that contain the From no_dbo_schema.object_name statement
    • Newly added objects are not ignored when a saved project file is run and the Ignore new objects option under the Options tab of the New project window is checked
    • "Select a database to initiate schema comparison" message is shown in Visual Studio when a database is right-clicked and set as source or destination in Server Explorer or SQL Server Object Explorer
    • "Select a database to initiate schema comparison" message is shown in SQL Server Management Studio when a database is right-clicked and set as source or destination in Object Explorer
    • The Ignore check/default constraints value [icdc] for the /ita CLI switch is not working when a snapshot is compared against a database
    • The folder path for saving the synchronization script under the Output step of the Synchronization wizard is not the one set as default under the Output tab in the Options window
    • Default package name under the Package tab of the New project window is not loaded
    • "The full-text index is not supported in Azure SQL Database" message is shown under the Summary and warnings step in the Synchronization wizard window
    • "The full-text catalog is not supported in Azure SQL Database" message is shown under the Summary and warnings step in the Synchronization wizard window
    • Full-text index object cannot be synchronized between two Azure SQL Database
    • The application is integrated into all available SQL Server Management Studio and Visual Studio versions even though none of them were checked
    • “Duplicate primary key” error is encountered when syncing tables in Azure with full recreating which contain primary key
    • The uninstall confirmation message box appears when the /verysilent and /suppressmsgboxes options from CLI are used
    • Visual Studio 2019 version is not loaded under the Script section when the C# solution is set as the Primary output type in the Automation script window
    • The application can be integrated into any version of Visual Studio that is currently running
    • "The 'ApexSQLDiff_InstPackage' package did not load correctly" error is encountered when any version of Visual Studio is run
    • "The 'ApexSQLDiff_InstPackage' package did not load correctly" error is encountered when any version of SQL Server Management Studio is run
    • The application cannot be integrated into any SQL Server Management Studio or Visual Studio version through the silent installation
    • Missing the Save as dialog when the OK button is clicked in the C# solution options window under the Automation script window
    • Missing the Save as dialog when the OK button is clicked in the Executable installer options window under the Automation script window
    • The application doesn't integrate with SQL Server Management Studio 18 GA version
    • The application can be integrated into any version of SQL Server Management Studio that is currently running
    • Columns from the Results grid cannot be dragged and dropped, and unhidden from the Column chooser dialog
    • The application cannot be uninstalled if any version of SQL Server Management Studio is running, even though the application is not integrated in it
    • Different Table data types are displayed as equal in compare list when comparison is done between SQL Server and Azure database
    • Column ordering differences in indexes are not detected when columns are located in the Include statement
    • The application cannot be uninstalled if any version of Visual Studio is running, even though the application is not integrated in it




    March 12, 2019


    • Visual Studio 2019 integration support
      • Visual Studio 2019 version option is added under the Output options step of the Synchronization wizard for the Create a C# solution and executable installer action
      • CLI switches:
        • Tables with specified schemas can be filtered via the /include switch: "Schemaname.ObjectName"
        • New value for the Visual Studio /vs_ver switches: VS2019


      • The Extend evaluation button does not open default e-mail client when clicked
      • Missing information message when the Extend evaluation button is clicked and there is no default e-mail client
      • The %Date% and %Time% tags are not converted to the current date and time when they are added as a part of the output file name in the /on CLI switch
      • "A secure connection could not be established" message is shown when credentials are used for Git repository under the Source control wizard
      • "Bitmap region is already locked" error is encountered when objects are selected in the main grid and Refresh button is used
      • Randomly named project are created when an existing one is deleted from the Team Foundation Server repository
      • "Some objects may not be created properly" error is encountered when object is committed from live database to the Git source control repository
      • "Parse error: [Incorrect syntax near 'TABLE'] at [position: 3566, line: 92, column: 10]" error is encountered while comparing procedures that contain Truncate statement
      • "Connection to project file 'C:\..\ProjectName.dtproj' failed" error is encountered while loading of SSIS project file
      • Schema is shown as missing object in the Results grid, even though it exists in the destination database, if schemas from source and destination data sources have different database-level principals which own the schemas
      • The generated synchronization script creates objects before creating schemas for those objects, when one of data sources is a snapshot created from Azure SQL Database
      • The generated synchronization script adds a primary key in the Alter table statement even though it was already added in the previous Create table statement, when one of data sources is a snapshot created from Azure SQL Database
      • Ignore comments option is not working and clears comments with other script
      • Analyzing dependencies goes indefinitely when dependent objects are equal
      • Missing objects are re-ordered to the bottom in the main grid when refreshing the comparison between databases
      • None of the panels are shown in the main application window after updating to the latest patch
      • Multiple errors are encountered during the synchronization of a database to an empty one when a snapshot is used as a source data source
      • Randomly named projects are shown instead of the deleted ones, under the Choose project dialog for the Team Foundation Server repository
      • Dependent Schemabinding objects cannot be changed without recreating Schemabinding object
      • "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error is encountered when comparing SSIS packages under SQL Server 2008 on Window Server 2012
      • The Not for replication attribute difference is not ignored even when the Not for replication attribute of constraints, identities, foreign keys and triggers option under the Option tab is checked
      • System properties are shown as differences in the Results grid even though they don't exist in loaded SSIS project deployment file
      • The /synchronize switch is not generated in the Automation script window even though the Synchronize now action was chosen in the Output options step in the Synchronization wizard


      • Backup database before synchronization is now unchecked by default
      • Default value for the /backup switch is set to None
      • Tables with specified schemas can be included through the CLI using the /include switch
      • The application now requires Microsoft .NET framework 4.7.2
      • ApexSQL parent menu of the add-in is now located under the Extensions main menu in Visual Studio 2019




      November 29, 2018



      • Collapsed objects are expanded in the Results grid if any change is made in the Difference filter panel
      • Newly added objects are not checked by default in a previously saved project file
      • The inline comments are not ignored through the CLI when the /ig:icm switch is used
      • The ANSI option sets the Off state in the GUI while it sets the On state in the CLI for the Set quoted_identifier statement
      • All groups are collapsed in the Results grid upon the comparison or re-comparison of data sources and column sizing is changed
      • The UserName folder cannot be expanded and default folder cannot be shown in the Browse window for the Synchronize now and Create a synchronization script actions in the Synchronization wizard
      • The /sourcecontrol_label switch is not shown in the Batch script panel of the Save as batch window, when the Get by label option is used in the Source control wizard
      • Package name tags under the Package tab of the New project window are not shown as actual server and database name by default
      • Changing the column filter and refreshing the results, removes the rest of options for the selected object type from the Difference filter panel
      • The View DDL for source or destination object window cannot be closed when the Esc key is pressed
      • "Error details: The given path's format is not supported" error is encountered when the repository path is entered in the Project field
      • The New project window under the Source control wizard cannot be closed when the Esc key is pressed
      • "Some files in the C:\Users\UserName\AppData\ApexSQL\ApexSQL Diff\temp folder are read only. Overwrite?" message is shown before committing to the Team Foundation Server repository
      • Sorting of options under the Difference filter panel is changed when check/uncheck all option is used
      • Redundant Schema compare tab is opened in SQL Server Management Studio when the Set as destination command is clicked after the Set as source command
      • "There are unsaved changes in the Object filter panel. Do you want to save changes?" message is shown when the Open button is clicked in the Object filter panel even though there were no changes in the Object filter panel
      • SSIS comparison results are not shown in the HTML interactive report when everything is equal and the equal type is checked in report options
      • Sorting of objects under the Results grid is changed when check/uncheck all option is used
      • "Recompare after synchronization" option is not working when the Create a synchronization script action is chosen in the Synchronization wizard
      • Name of data sources from the loaded recent project is shown in the Project file text field under the Save as batch window when a recent project is opened and then the New project is initiated
      • "Method not found: 'ApexSql.Common.Dependency.DatabaseInfo[]" error is encountered in the Dependencies step of the Synchronization wizard
      • Project file is shown in the Recent projects list even after the Delete or Remove from list commands were used
      • The Test button under the Output tab of the Options window does not open SQL Server Management Studio with default arguments
      • "Parsing errors: Parse error: [Incorrect syntax near 'INDEX'] at [position: 717, line: 35, column: 54]" error is encountered during the comparison of functions in script folder or source control repository data sources that contains the Nolock statement
      • Varchar data type shows incorrect (0) length in table objects when exported into HTML report
      • "The Select permission was denied on the object 'sql_logins', database 'master', schema 'sys'" error is encountered when the Compare button is clicked to compare two Azure SQL Databases
      • "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error is encountered during the comparison of objects in script folder or source control repository data sources that contain the Lag or Lead window functions
      • "The server principal "ServerName" is not able to access the database "master" under the current security context" error is encountered when login/user who has no permissions for master database on Azure is trying to select database from dropdown list
      • "Parse error: [Incorrect syntax near 'TABLOCKX'] at [position: 1564, line: 47, column: 98]" error is encountered during the comparison of procedure in script folder or source control repository data sources that contains the Tablockx keyword
      • Data sources information, objects and script differences are mixed up in the main application window upon the source and destination data sources were swapped in the Synchronization wizard and the re-comparison is finished
      • "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error is encountered when the only project from the Recent list in the Project management window is removed
      • Equal graph tables are shown as different in the Results grid
      • "Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'AS'" error is encountered for graph table that contains the On [Primary] file group
      • "Cannot drop or disable index or constraint 'GRAPH_UNIQUE_INDEX_357C3BC6E0D9440CB767CDEF1880E3F9' because the last unique index or constraint on '$edge_id' cannot be dropped or disabled" error is encountered when system index is dropped
      • The last used collapse/expand setting is not remembered in the Results grid
      • The object is synchronized from one database to another one and shown as equal, even though the selected object exists in the destination database
      • Datetime2 data types, with non-default scale setting, are shown as different after the synchronization, even though there are no differences, when the script folder is used as data source
      • The “Include dependent objects” option is checked in the Synchronization wizard even though the “Include dependent objects” option is unchecked under the Synchronization option section in the Options tab of the New project window
      • Variables are not ignored during the SSIS comparison even when the “Variables” option is checked to be ignored under the Options tab of the New project window
      • Variables are not removed from the Results grid after being unchecked in the Package difference filter panel
      • Objects from a database are not committed to the Git source control repository when using the CLI
      • Objects are not selected in a saved project when using Open button in the Project management window
      • Redundant ApexSQL Diff menu is shown in SQL Server Management Studio
      • Position and size of panels in the main application window are not remembered after closing the application
      • The application goes into the not responding state for a short period of time after creating the synchronization script when there are 40,000+ objects
      • "A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server" error is encountered when the Compare now button is clicked in the Project management window for a selected project file
      • Custom sub-folder names cannot be set for object types in the Mapping configuration window
      • Script folder path is not remembered in the Data sources tab of the New project window after the comparison when the Edit button from the Home tab is clicked
      • "No differences were detected. There are no objects to synchronize" incomplete message is shown when using CLI to synchronize objects
      • Incorrect order of dependent objects is generated in synchronization script when synchronizing views with the With nolock inner join clause
      • "The specified folder does not contain the appropriate folder structure" message is shown when a selected source control project contains the Assemblies folder
      • 'Parse error: [Incorrect syntax near 'c'] at [position: 268, line: 16, column: 47]' error is encountered in the CLI when parsing stored procedure that contains the Nolock keyword
      • "Parse error: [Incorrect syntax near 'at']; [Incorrect syntax near 'ON']; [Incorrect syntax near 'INNER']; [Incorrect syntax near '(']" errors are encountered when comparing procedures and views with the At identifier as keyword
      • "Parsing errors: Parse error: [Incorrect syntax near '[PRIMARY]'] at [position: 585, line: 14, column: 29]" error is encountered while comparing a table that contains the Textimage_on [Primary] filegroup
      • "Parsing errors: Parse error: [Incorrect syntax near '('] at [position: 837, line: 22, column: 6]" error is encountered during the re-comparison of a database and script folder due to incorrectly created script in a script folder data source with two With statements for temporal and memory optimized table
      • False differences are shown in the Results grid when comparing indexes and dataspaces for memory optimized tables in a database against a script folder data source


      • Save as batch is now Automation script
      • Aliases for the /excel_report_options and /excel_report_options2 CLI switches are now /exco and /exco2




      July 13, 2018


      • "The Community edition can connect only SQL Server Express, Azure SQL Database and Amazon RDS for SQL Server" message is shown upon start of the comparison process, even though the entered credentials are for connecting to Azure SQL Database
      • "The Community edition can connect only SQL Server Express, Azure SQL Database and Amazon RDS for SQL Server" message is shown upon start of the comparison process, even though the entered credentials are for connecting to Amazon RDS for SQL Server database
      • "The Community edition can connect only SQL Server Express, Azure SQL Database and Amazon RDS for SQL Server" message is shown upon start of the comparison process, even though snapshots were selected for the comparison
      • "The Select permission was denied on the object 'sql_logins', database 'master', schema 'sys'" error is encountered during the comparison of Azure SQL Database
      • The saved Object filter settings are not applied when loaded in the Object filter panel in the main application window
      • The Object filter panel settings are not applied when the data sources of the current project are edited
      • "Parsing errors: Parse error: [Incorrect syntax near 'NOEXPAND'] at [position: 857, line: 22, column: 34]" error is encountered while comparing database with script folder which contains the script with Noexpand in it
      • "Parsing errors: Parse error: [Incorrect syntax near 'tv_products'] at [position: 8795, line: 150, column: 32]" error is encountered while comparing a source control project with a database that contain a procedure with the With (nolock) statement




      June 13, 2018



      • Could not load file or assembly” error is encountered when the Browse button is clicked to select a project for a Git repository hosted by Visual Studio Online
      • The application freezes when the package comparison is stopped during the comparison process
      • “The following URL is” error is encountered when the comparison is initiated to compare a Git repository using SSH key with any other data source
      • "Parsing errors: 'Parse error: [Incorrect syntax near 'AT']'" error is encountered during the comparison of a objects that contain the At alias in the script
      • The branch name is not loaded and it's reverted to the master branch when a saved project file is loaded
      • Wrong return code - 16 is shown when the provided path for the output file does not exist
      • The silent installer is stopped and the message is shown when the application needs to download and install .NET Framework, even when the /verysilent switch is used
      • The help is not initiated when the F1 key is pressed
      • Missing backup options for creating rollback script and snapshot in the Save as batch window next to the Synchronize now button when destination is database, script folder and source control
      • The application is loading one package more than 30 minutes, if only one package from SSISDB Catalog is selected that has more than 100 packages in storage
      • False differences are shown for the Value properties of the StartingEvent elements in the Results grid for SSIS comparison
      • Incorrect If statement is created in the synchronization script when synchronizing database extended properties and the Check for object existence with If exists/If not exists option is checked
      • Missing the Last value for the /backup_set1 and /backup_set2 switch value to choose the last backup set
      • “Unexpected error code 1” error is encountered when generating a synchronization script in CLI, but the folder where a script should be created does not existent
      • Redundant log files are attached in e-mail when the Send logs command is clicked in SQL Server Management Studio
      • “The project file requires an “.axds" extension" message is shown in the CLI when a wrong extension is specified for the /dsn switch
      • “ALTER TABLE ALTER COLUMN start failed because one or more objects access this column” message is shown in the Results window due to not recognizing constraint which is dependent on table the columns which are being altered
      • Procedure [dbo].[ProcedureName] references an invalid object [INFORMATION_SCHEMA].[TABLES] error is encountered during the synchronization when a procedure references a system table and the Ignore system objects option is checked/added as a switch value
      • “Unhandled exception has occurred in your application” error is encountered when the broken snapshot file is loaded as a data source
      • Recently created projects for SSIS comparison are not shown in the Recent projects list
      • Wrong return code (2 - Invalid switch) is shown when a wrong value is set for the /compatibility_level switch
      • “Comparison has failed. Make sure that username and password are correct” error is encountered when comparing two Git repositories hosted on Bitbucket
      • URL and password are remembered in the SSH tab when setting up source control under the HTTP tab in the Source control wizard
      • “The following URL is invalid” error is encountered when setting up source control for comparison using the SSH protocol
      • “The comparison has failed” error is encountered when comparing Team Foundation repository hosted on Azure DevOps with a Git repository hosted on Bitbucket
      • “The given path's format is not supported” error is encountered when not supported path is provided for the project field in the Source control setup wizard
      • The Windows taskbar is not shown on hover, when the Auto-hide the taskbar option is checked and the application is maximized
      • Wrong backup options are shown in the Save as batch window next to the Synchronize now button when destination is script folder or source control
      • Export will overwrite the files in this folder. Continue the export? message is shown when exporting database for the first time into the Team Foundation Server repository
      • The cursor is not automatically shown in the Find field of the Find and Replace windows in the Integrated editor
      • “HTML option is already selected as secondary output type. Select another primary output type” message is shown even when the secondary output type is unchecked
      • The Tab key is not working properly when switching between options in all windows
      • The standard Windows keyboard shortcuts for manipulating application window don't work
      • Errors are shown in the execution results when synchronizing the AdventureWorks2016 database with an empty database
      • Inability to create non-existing folder where file(s) will be exported via the CLI
      • The External difference viewer window is not closed when the Esc key is pressed
      • The Options window is not closed when the Esc key is pressed
      • The Filter editor window is not closed when the Esc key is pressed
      • The Add integration service packages window is not closed when the Esc key is pressed


      • The application now requires Microsoft .NET framework 4.7.1
      • Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 are no longer supported
      • The /sync_options CLI switch with its values is replaced with the /destination_to_source CLI switch




      May 11, 2018


      • Export differential snapshot to capture schema changes only options is added in the Synchronization wizard under the Output options step when a destination is a database, script folder or source control project
      • Export differential snapshot to capture schema changes only switch [/dsn]
      • Export any data source using the connection switches with the /export switch in the CLI


      • "System.OutOfMemoryException" error is encountered while fully loading all packages in the Data sources tab of the New project window
      • SQL Server Management Studio stops working when Schema compare option is used on a SQL Server Analysis Services instance
      • "Parsing errors: 'Parse error: [Incorrect syntax near 'AT']'" error is encountered during the comparison of a function that contains the At the time expression in its script
      • "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error is encountered during the comparison of views with dynamic columns and without parent columns
      • "The package failed to load due to error 0xC0011008" error is encountered during the connection to SSISDB SQL Server 2012 catalog data source, if a working machine has installed SSIS/SQL Server 2014
      • "The primary key constraint 'ConstraintName' on table 'TableName' cannot be dropped" error is encountered during the synchronization of tables with the enabled change tracking option, when the primary key constraint should be recreated
      • SQL Server Management Studio stops working when trying to initiate the Schema compare query window from the right-click menu in Object Explorer
      • The 102 - return code is shown when the /rece switch is used without the /sync switch, even though there are differences in the compared data sources
      • The results in the exported HTML report under the Differences section are not consistent with the differences shown in the Script difference view
      • "ALTER TABLE ALTER COLUMN start failed because one or more objects access this column" message is shown in the Results window due to not recognizing constraint which is dependent on table the columns which are being altered
      • "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error is encountered when comparing database against source control or script folder that contain views with lag function in the Select statement
      • "Unable to load the snapshot" error is encountered when comparing any data source against a snapshot
      • The application stops responding when the Browse or Test button is clicked for the Subversion repository that contains more than 8,000 objects
      • The application repeatedly asks for the activation key when it is started on an Amazon EC2 instance after the virtual machine resources were deallocated and allocated again
      • Parse error: [Incorrect syntax near 'OUTPUT', 'EXECUTE, 'OWNER'] is encountered due to incorrect parsing of stored procedure parameters options in the Create procedure statement while comparing data sources
      • Schema mappings are reverted to the default state once the comparison is finished and the Edit button is clicked to check custom schema mapping in the Schema mapping tab
      • Tables and functions remain different after synchronization due to equal extended properties byte array values in tables and SQL function datetime2 parameters are shown as different in functions when comparing database against source control or script folder




      December 13, 2017


      • "Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 17 is not installed. Please install this version to integrate into" message is shown in the add-in integration step of the installation wizard when SQL Server Management Studio 17.4 is installed




      October 26, 2017


      • "Cannot specify partition number in the create index statement as the index " is not partitioned" error is encountered when synchronizing partitioned table and the Ignore dataspaces option is checked
      • Tables are shown as different even when the only difference is the data compression, which is ignored in the Options under the Table attributes section
      • "Parsing errors: Parse error: [Incorrect syntax near 'ON']" error is encountered while comparing a procedure that contains a parameter after the to service part in the begin dialog statement
      • The ignore case in names option, under the Options tab from the New project window, is not working for synonym object type
      • The installation wizard is detecting a running SQL Server Management Studio, even if that version is not selected for add-in integration
      • Missing the Package details from the Options tab in the Package details filter pane
      • "Export will overwrite the files in this folder. Continue the export?" message is encountered when exporting database for the first time into the source control repository
      • The path for the Export folder under the Output tab in the Options window is not the same as in previous versions
      • Missing the right-click context menu in the Schema mapping tab of the New project window and redundant Delete all button
      • The application shows several background black screens while creating new project for Team Foundation Server repository
      • "Workspace initialization failed with message '{0}'" error is encountered while committing changes from a database to the Perforce source control depot
      • The New button and Check all/Uncheck all buttons from the Home tab are not working after updating from previous public release
      • The Save as window is opened when the Enter key is pressed while editing the batch script in the Save as batch window
      • The last used path for the backup file is not remembered
      • The Header option does not check all its sub-options when checked
      • If any of the Optional package information options is checked, but its field is empty, only quotation marks for corresponding switch will be shown in the Save as batch window
      • Missing the Visual Studio 2017 version for executable installer and C# solution options in the Synchronization wizard
      • The Finish button in the Source control setup wizard needs to be clicked twice when the Get by label option is selected for Team Foundation Server source control system
      • Script that drops all objects from a destination database is created instead of the synchronization script, when a connection to one of the servers is lost after the "Connected successfully" message is shown in the CLI
      • Objects are not committed to the Perforce source control project when objects were previously committed to a label
      • The /ots switch is missing in the Batch script pane in the Save as batch window
      • "The connection has failed with a message 'Command time out [65538]:client -o work911'" error message is encountered when the Finish or Test button is clicked after setting up Perforce login information
      • Different and additional objects are not synchronized for the Perforce source control repository
      • The Results window is shown, along with the successful message, even when an error is encountered during the synchronization to the source control repository
      • Default schema mapping pairs of previously loaded data sources are not changed, if data sources are changed and the Schema mapping tab is clicked to load and show new schema mapping pairs
      • "Checkin failed for root 'C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\ApexSQL\ApexSQLDiff\temp\tempno\Destination\SourceControl' error is encountered when committing varchar value change for a table to a Team Foundation Server project
      • "A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server" error is encountered when the connection with the remote server is lost
      • "Specified cast is not valid" message is encountered when trying to compare two packages in the integration services catalog
      • "Checkin failed for root 'C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\ApexSQL\ApexSQLDiff\temp\tempno\Destination\SourceControl'" error is encountered when synchronizing different and additional objects to a Team Foundation Server project
      • "Checkin failed for root 'C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\ApexSQL\ApexSQLDiff\temp\tempno\Destination\SourceControl'" error is encountered when committing varchar value change for a table to a Team Foundation Server project via CLI
      • Drop and Create statements are used instead of Alter column when a destination column is only missing a letter
      • "Specified cast is not valid" error is encountered when one of compared databases has the Change data capture applied on a table that was deleted, but the Change data capture information was not cleared for that table
      • The checked Extended properties option becomes unchecked when the Edit button is clicked after the comparison and the checked option is not remembered for the saved project file
      • "Objects ..are not compared yet" error is encountered when selecting objects for comparison that were excluded via object filter in the previously saved project


      • The Save as batch feature is now also available from the Save button under the Home tab
      • Optional output elements are now also available under the Options tab for the SSIS comparison
      • Header and Optional package information options are now unchecked by default




      June 07, 2017


      • SQL Server 2017 CTP 2 support
      • SQL Server Management Studio 17 integration
      • Include new objects in the synchronization process CLI switch [/sno]


      • Synchronization script that drops all objects in the destination database is created when synchronizing objects from a remote server which is disconnected from the network after the "Connected successfully" message is shown in the CLI
      • "Setup has detected that SQL Server Management Studio is running on this machine" message is shown in the installation wizard when a different SQL Server Management Studio version than the selected one is running
      • Script ‘': Parsing errors" error is encountered while comparing a stored procedure with an incorrect syntax near the convert statement from a script folder to a live database
      • "Unable to execute file C:\Program Files\ApexSQL Diff\Registrator.exe" error is encountered while installing the application and when all or one SQL Server Management Studio version is selected for integration except for SQL Server Management Studio 2016
      • "Couldn't connect to SSIS. Could not initialize SSIS libraries" message is encountered when connecting to remote SQL Server Integration Services service
      • The application can be uninstalled even while the SQL Server Management Studio is running
      • Label is not saved when the label name contains a space while committing to a Git source control project
      • Integrated editor is always opened by default when viewing the synchronization script even when another editor is selected in options
      • Functions are shown as different in the Results grid with no differences in the Script differences view panel when the functions are loaded from a SQL Server 2008 and SQL Server 2012 databases and have an XML typed parameter with no columns defined
      • The Synchronization summary and Changes sections are shown in the CLI with a wrong error return code and with information that all checked objects are synchronized even when an error has occurred during the synchronization process
      • The synchronization script cannot be executed from the Integrated editor if one of the objects in the script consists of a block comment that contains the go statement




      March 15, 2017


      • SQL Server 2017 CTP 2
      • CLI switches:
        • Server name for the comparison results output database [/edb_s]
        • Login for server for the comparison results output database [/edb_u]
        • Login's password for server for the comparison results output database [/edb_p]
        • Database name for the comparison results output database [/edb_db]
        • New values for the output type switches: SQL compare results [scr] and database [db]


      • The Export to database functionality only exports the dbo.SchemaComparisonDetails table instead of four tables that are created when exporting to a SQL file
      • "Foreign key 'FK__SchemaCom__Compa__1367E606' references invalid table 'ApexSQL_Diff.SchemaComparisonJob'" error is encountered when executing exported comparison results SQL script in SQL Server Management Studio due to a wrong schema name in foreign key
      • Error code 0 is returned when recomparing two databases from CLI using a project file in which all different objects were checked for synchronization and the /rece switch is used
      • Redundant create procedure and select into statements are shown in the HTML report when comparing two procedures in which the corresponding opposite parts are missing
      • Script header value is included in the /sh switch value in the Save as batch window even if none of the “Output elements” options are checked
      • The My defaults options set does not save unchecked values for the “Author” and “Legal” options


      • CLI switch Script format [/sf] is now Output elements [/oe] switch




      February 22, 2017


      • SQL Server Integration Services package comparison
      • Ignore lock escalation property of tables option
      • Create snapshot of destination database before synchronization
      • Create rollback script for destination database before synchronization
      • Create script folder backup for destination script folder or source control before synchronization
      • XML export customization options:
        • Type:
          • Include different objects
          • Include equal objects
          • Include only source objects
          • Include only destination objects
        • Selection:
          • Include only checked objects
        • Details:
          • Include DDL scripts of checked objects
      • Export schema comparison differences to SQL script and a database table
      • Script difference panel options:
        • Change colors
        • Increase/Decrease font size
        • Find
        • Word wrap
      • CLI switches:
        • Logging level [/log] with four levels:
          • Errors
          • Warnings
          • All
          • None
        • Play sound upon finished operation [/be]
        • Return error code on equal results [/rece]
        • XML export customization options [/xeo and /xeo2]
        • Create snapshot of destination database before synchronization [/csnp]
        • Destination snapshot file name [/sfn]
        • Create rollback script for destination databases before synchronization [/crbs]
        • Destination rollback script file name [/rsfn]
        • Create script folder backup for destination script folder or source control before synchronization [/bsf]
        • Destination script folder backup path [/bsfp]
        • Comparison summary output [/cso]
        • Synchronization warnings output [/wao]
        • Synchronization summary output [/suo]
        • Differential backup set [/bs1 and /bs2]
        • Integration services:
          • SSIS package store packages [/isps1 and /isps2]
          • Package files [/pfs1 and /pfs2]
          • SQL Server packages [/ssp1 and /ssp2]
          • SSISDB catalog packages [/sdbp1 and /sdbp2]
          • SSIS project file [/sspr1 and /sspr2]
      • CLI no differences detected return code [102]


      • The Object filter settings [/ofs] CLI switch is not applied during the comparison and synchronization
      • "Unicode-character \uDACA at index 2 can't be translated to the given code side" error is encountered while analyzing dependencies in the Synchronization wizard
      • The second part of the CLI comparison summary cannot be exported to a file
      • "Parsing errors: Parse error: [Incorrect syntax near "12 3 "] at [position: 111, line: 7, column: 26]" error is encountered while comparing specific database with a script folder which contains the try_parse statement
      • The synchronization summary is shown after the recomparison of data sources in the CLI
      • Error code 9 is returned when the incorrect project file extension is used in the CLI
      • "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error is encountered when using another ApexSQL application project file in CLI
      • Objects are committed to the source control repository root folder if the previously defined source control project is deleted
      • Reinserting product activation key is required every time after updating Windows for specific system configuration
      • The Use compression and the Error handling options are not shown as CLI switches in the Batch script
      • The start with value is shown as different in the Script difference view panel when modifying the increment of the sequence and performing the comparison process
      • The Edit current project settings command in the main application window context menu is disabled
      • “Cannot access a disposed object” error is encountered while scripting database schema to a GitHub repository
      • The projects list is not automatically refreshed after creating or deleting Team Foundation Server or Subversion source control system project
      • The next script difference is not highlighted when navigation arrows are used to navigate to the next/previous difference in the Script difference view pane
      • Differences are not highlighted in the HTML report
      • "Cannot import dll:C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\VCLStyleSkin\VclStyleslnno.dll" error message is encountered while uninstalling the application with any Windows account without administration privileges
      • "Error during sync script generation" error is encountered in the CLI when synchronizing two specific databases
      • Specific procedure is shown as different, but there are no differences detected in the Script difference view pane, when the specific Mercurial source control repository is compared with a database
      • Two specific objects cannot be synchronized after comparing specific Mercurial source control repository with a database
      • The Header options are not applied to synchronization script and reports
      • Non-existing argument causes Test failure when the default executable in the Output tab of the Options dialog is run
      • Objects are not committed to the Subversion repository and the same differences are shown after the recomparison
      • The Results window shown after committing changes to a source control repository is not showing details about committed schema changes
      • New project cannot be created from the Source control setup wizard for Mercurial source control system 3.9 and latter
      • Backslashes have to be used instead of forward slashes when setting up a local repository path for Git and Mercurial source control systems
      • Username and password fields remain mandatory after a local Mercurial source control system repository is configured in the Source control setup wizard
      • DDL scripts for objects are missing in the exported XML file
      • "Exclusive access could not be obtained because the database is in use" error is encountered during the synchronization in the CLI when two connections are open for the destination database
      • "The line endings in the following file are not consistent. Do you want to normalize the line endings?" message is encountered after opening the generated synchronization script in SQL Server Management Studio
      • The Package logging folder path in the Package tab is not restored to default when the ApexSQL default button is clicked
      • Application becomes non-responsive during the execution of the synchronization script from the internal editor while synchronizing Azure SQL Databases


      • Owner mapping [/om] CLI switch is now Schema mapping [/sm] switch
      • HTML reports are visually redesigned




      July 21, 2016


      • Support for SQL Server on Amazon RDS
      • Support for SQL Server Management Studio 2016 integration
      • Save project as batch file
      • Help to HTML switch [/hth]
      • Silent switch [/slt]
      • Ignore new objects switch value [/ig:ino]
      • Ignore invalid objects switch value [/ig:iio]
      • Improved CLI output messages:
        • Comparison summary
        • Warnings output
        • Synchronization summary
        • Changes output
      • Warnings handling switch [/wh]:
        • Ignore warnings [iw]
        • Abort on medium or high warnings [amh]
        • Abort on high warnings [ah]
        • Default [dft] - sets the Ignore warnings argument
      • Package options switches:
        • Compress package [/pkcm]
        • Error handling [/pke]
        • Package author [/pkaa]
        • Package company [/pkco]
        • Package legal [/pkal]
        • Package comments [/pkac]
        • Package Visual Studio version [/vsv]
        • Package default database [/ddb]
        • Package manifest file [/cmf]
        • Package script file [/cdf]
        • Package CLI file [/ccf]
        • Run package upon creation [/ren]
        • Open C# solution in Visual Studio upon creation [/ovs]
      • Return error codes switch [/rc]
      • 17 new CLI return error codes:
        • Invalid switch
        • Duplicated switch
        • Missing argument
        • Missing a dependent switch
        • Value out of range
        • Invalid file path
        • Invalid project file
        • Unsupported edition
        • Invalid activation key
        • Trial has expired
        • Connection timeout
        • Connection failed
        • Operation canceled
        • Application error
        • Execution error
        • Execution timeout
        • Output file creating failed


      • The "Synchronization" button is disabled after upgrading the application from the previous version
      • The Common and Other object list frame is flashing while scrolling through the object list
      • The folder field is not remembered for the Mercurial repository in the Source control wizard
      • The last used path for a snapshot is not remembered
      • Missing the Delete all option and selecting several patterns in the Object filter tab
      • Missing an option to select several schema mappings
      • The Database and Script folder data sources are compared without any action if tsql is used as value for the /ot switch
      • The HTML simple report does not show full information when it is generated as the /ot2 switch
      • The Include script option is not shown in all reports
      • There is no information message in the CLI that Pre/Post processing script is executed
      • The application starts flashing and lagging while entering characters in the Pattern pane, under the Object filter tab
      • The Encoding option is missing from the application's GUI
      • A specific stored procedure is not synchronized when synchronizing from a snapshot to a script folder
      • Additional objects cannot be deleted from the source control repository during the synchronization process
      • HTML and HTML simple default names are the same and it causes overwriting when exporting them one after the other
      • Missing the CLI switch for specifying HTML report options when used as a second output type
      • Missing the CLI switch for specifying Excel report options when used as a second output type
      • Missing the CLI switch for specifying HTML structure report options when used as a second output type
      • The application cannot synchronize scalar and table valued functions to SQL Azure database
      • "XML type for column [c3] on table [dbo].[t1] is not supported" warning is encountered as the application is adding redundant collation in the synchronization script when synchronizing to SQL Azure database
      • Dependencies are incorrectly processed, as not all constraints are dropped in the synchronization script when synchronizing specific databases
      • Missing the Visual Studio 2015 version for C# solution and Executable installer
      • Comparison errors are encountered when a specific database and script folder are compared
      • A specific procedure with different schemas is not synchronized after synchronizing a specific snapshot with a script folder
      • The application did not detect the column renaming and the synchronization script failed
      • "ALTER TABLE ALTER COLUMN Status failed because one or more objects access this column" error is encountered during the synchronization of specific databases
      • "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error is encountered while creating the synchronization script after comparing specific snapshots
      • The Structure report options CLI switch for HTML reports always includes default values
      • Missing an option to choose where to export the chosen report
      • "The specified path, file name, or both are too long. The fully qualified file name must be less than 260 characters, and the directory name must be less than 248 characters." error is encountered while saving an executable installer or C# solution with longer name than 260 characters
      • "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error is encountered when empty source control or script folder data source is set and the Object filter or Schema mapping tab is clicked
      • Backups from remote location specified via '\\' cannot be used for the comparison and synchronization process
      • Missing an information message when the Executable installer is run that will provide information if there is a .dat file that will be used for the execution
      • The nested Git source control project won't be updated, if there was some commit on the root of the source control repository
      • Options from the Difference filter pane are not applied instantaneously
      • The "Save changes to projects" message is encountered even if there were no changes for the current project
      • The white space difference is not highlighted in the Script difference view pane
      • The Destination only objects are not shown in comparison summary, which are shown in the CLI output when the synchronization script is generated
      • The saved login password is not remembered, if the project file is moved on a different machine
      • Objects are shown as additional and missing, after a specific database and script folder were synchronized
      • Procedures are not formatted correctly in the Script difference view pane
      • Including the Owner management option causes scripting inconsistencies when synchronizing a database with a source control repository
      • Scripting inconsistencies are encountered when comparing and synchronizing SQL Server 2008 databases with a source control repository
      • "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error is encountered when loading of dependent objects is canceled and synchronization is initiated
      • Missing an information message in the CLI that the synchronization script was/not executed if the Pre/Post processing script fails
      • Missing an information message in the Script execution results window that Pre/Post processing script was executed
      • The Manage owners option is marked as checked in all HTML reports and Excel, even if it's not checked in the Options tab
      • Procedures are not properly formatted in the Script difference view pane when source is SQL Server database 2012 and destination is SQL Server database 2014
      • "Package executed successfully" mesage is encountered in the Execution results window when executing of an executable installer is canceled
      • The Database extended properties option is missing from all reports


      • /pf CLI switch is renamed into /pr
      • /of and /of2 CLI switches are renamed into /on and /on2
      • HTML plain report is renamed into HTML simple report
      • Output types html_structure_source and html_structure_destination are renamed into html_schema_source and html_schema_destination for the /ot and /ot2 CLI switches
      • The IncludeTransactionHandling and ScriptUseDatabase are added as options for the /sso CLI switch
      • The Identical option for the Structure reporting option CLI switch is renamed to the Equal option

      Known limitations:

      • The script difference is not highlighted when navigation arrows are used to switch to the next/previous difference in the Script difference view pane
      • The list of Team Foundation Server projects is not instantly refreshed when creating/deleting project




      March 23, 2016


      • Support for SQL Server 2016
      • The following Azure SQL Database V12 objects and properties are now fully supported:
        • Objects:
          • Application roles
          • Assemblies
          • Defaults
          • Extended properties
          • External data sources and external file formats
          • Fulltext catalogs, fulltext indexes, and fulltext stoplists
          • Partitions, partition functions, and partitions schemes
          • Rules
          • Search property lists
          • Sequences
          • XML schema collections
        • Properties:
          • CLR objects (functions, procedures, triggers, and types)
          • Columnstore and XML indexes
          • Encrypted objects
          • Memory optimized tables
          • ROWGUIDCOL and XML data types/columns
      • New output types:
        • C# solution
        • Executable installer
      • New export types:
        • Excel
        • HTML structure for source and destination data sources
      • Ignore object selection specified in the project file switch [/ipos]
      • Ignore parsing errors switch [/ipe]


      • The uninstallation process can be completed even if the application and/or SQL Server Management Studio are running
      • Objects are shown as not equal after the recomparison, but they are committed to the Git source control project
      • Objects are not synchronized, after the specific databases are compared
      • Specific objects are not decrypted correctly when comparing specific databases
      • Specific dependency issues are encountered during the synchronization of the source control project with a database
      • Scripts for views, stored procedures, and functions are shown without formatting in the Script difference pane
      • The NULL column is converted into NOT NULL column when comparing Script folder with a database in specific case
      • "Parsing errors: Parse error: [Incorrect syntax near 'Merge'] at [position: 5169, line: 142, column: 3]" error is encountered while comparing specific Script folder with a database
      • "Parsing errors: Parse error: [Incorrect syntax near 'null'] at [position: 236, line: 8, column: 75]" error is encountered while committing specific procedure to Git source control project
      • The application window layout is reset to default in multi-monitor setup, after updating the application
      • "Value cannot be null" error is encountered while committing specific procedure to Git source control project
      • /sourcecontrol_project2 and /sourcecontrol_server2 switches are required to be specified in the CLI for Git source control system, even if they don't exist as options in the GUI
      • Missing appropriate CLI switches for setting up Perforce project
      • "Reloading the script folder. Please wait..." information message stays during the re-comparison after the first synchronization to the Git source control project
      • One specific object is not committed to all source control systems, even when all objects are selected for committing
      • Missing the CLI switch for the "Include scripts" option, for exporting reports
      • The include/exclude switches cannot use the bitwise set code when several objects are included in it
      • One object is not synchronized after comparing specific databases
      • "Source control error: TF200016: The following project does not exist: Diff2." error is encountered when creating a new project for the Team Foundation Server source control
      • The object counting in the exported XML file is not correct, when some objects are excluded
      • Missing a switch in the CLI that will ignore what is checked in the project file and synchronize everything
      • The database schema columns are not auto-sized in the Schema mapping tab
      • An error is encountered when starting two comparisons in two separate windows, where the source is a database and the destination is Source control
      • "Unable to determine manifest file location. Please check '.config' file settings" error message is encountered when the Get updates button is clicked
      • There is no progress bar in the Executing SQL script window for the Executable installer and C# solution
      • "Package executed successfully" message is always encountered, even if something went wrong during the execution of the Executable installer
      • "Could not find file 'C:\Users\UserName\Documents\ApexSQL\ApexSQLDataDiff\AdventureWorks2014.dat'" error message is encountered if the Use compression option is checked and the Create script file option is not checked
      • Missing the execution results window and logging for the Executable installer post-execution
      • Missing the message window when the Executable installer is run that will provide information if there is a .dat file that will be used for the execution
      • "An error occurred while creating objects from a script file. Continue?" error is encountered while comparing specific Mercurial source control projects with a snapshot
      • "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error is encountered when a specific Source control/Script folder is compared against a database
      • The include/exclude switches cannot use the bitwise set code when several objects are included in it
      • "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error is encountered when Delete button is clicked to delete a schema mapping
      • Missing CLI switch for the Ignore WITH ENCRYPTION option


      • Support for SQL Server Management Studio 2005 and 2008 integration has been deprecated
      • The application now requires Microsoft .NET framework 4.5.2
      • Windows Server 2003 is no longer supported

      Known limitations:

      • The application cannot be integrated into latest SQL Server Management Studio 2016 version




      September 11, 2015


      • Database comparison is up to 120% faster
      • Backup comparison is up to 50% faster


      • Marking of script differences, in the "Script difference view" pane, is too light
      • The "Finish" button in the Source control wizard needs to be clicked twice, when setting up the Team Foundation Server project
      • The custom local working folder is not emptied after comparison/synchronization is finished, when working with the Git source control system
      • Calculated columns are dropped, but not added after the synchronization process
      • "Index (zero based) must be greater than or equal to zero and less than the size of the argument list" error is encountered when comparing databases while using specific settings in the Options tab
      • The "Folder mappings" option is not working
      • The CREATE statement is replaced by the ALTER statement in the synchronization script
      • "'/buildsvn/!svn/rvr/6/tags/Label1' path not found" error is encountered when committing second label after the first one is already committed to the Subversion project
      • There is no error report in the CLI, when the parse error is encountered
      • "Source control error: Get by label failed, because label with name '...' doesn't exist." error is encountered when comparing a database with the Git source control project using the “Get by label” option
      • "Sequence contains no matching element" error is encountered when comparing a database with the Mercurial source control project using the "Get by label" option
      • The application goes to not responding state, if any label is chosen for the Subversion source control system as a source or destination
      • The committed objects to the Perforce source control project are not pulled for the comparison process, if using the "Get by label" option
      • The selected objects for the synchronization process become unselected after applying a customized difference filter
      • There is no Connection options setting available in the application
      • "Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined" error is encountered after the Test button is clicked and invalid credentials are used for the Subversion source control system
      • "ApexSQL.Diff.ScriptDifferencesViewer has stopped working" error is encountered when a different object is double-clicked in the Result grid
      • Objects are not shown in the Results grid after the comparison, when Cumulative update 7 for SQL Server 2012 Service pack 2 is installed
      • The “Name” filter cell, in the “Object filter” tab, is not working
      • Wrong information message is shown when trying to install the application on system that doesn't have a required .NET version
      • Objects cannot be synchronized, if both compared databases have Cumulative update 7 for SQL Server 2012 Service pack 2 is installed

      Known issues:

      • Local server result panel says that "No servers detected" although local instance exists when the application is used on 64bit operating system with 64bit SQL Server




      May 29, 2015


      • Full support for Perforce source control system


      • Installed add-in version of ApexSQL Diff is not detected during setup
      • 'An error occurred while creating objects from script file. Continue?' error is encountered when comparing a database with script folder
      • Application loses focus if multiple comparison or synchronization processes are done in one session
      • The script shows lots of errors when generated with a database as the source, and empty database as the destination
      • The application GUI cannot be displayed on screen at all when using multi-monitor setup
      • The selection boxes of the "Data sources" tab, and checkboxes of the "Object filter" tab in the "New project" window are not properly aligned if specific display settings are applied in Windows 7
      • Multiple backups can be checked as Source/Destination in the "Data sources" tab.
      • The application will wrongly show that data sources are equal when reversing the data sources, if snapshot and backup are used
      • The selected tab in the Source control wizard is too light and barely visible on some monitors
      • "ApexSQL Diff is not responding" error is encountered when the login credentials are not set for the source control system and the Next button is clicked
      • DDL triggers are shown as not equal, but there are no differences between them
      • Copied content from the Batch synchronizing window when pasted gives double content
      • The comparison process will show differences between the identical tables with different column order even when ignore column order option is checked
      • The New project cannot be started, if one of the applications windows is left on the second monitor which is turned off
      • "Item has already been added. Key in dictionary: '1' Key being added: '1'" error is encountered when two specific database backups are compared
      • Marking of script differences in the "Script difference view" pane is too light
      • Object boxes in the exported HTML report cannot be expanded
      • The extended properties are not included in the comparison, even after the project file is saved
      • There is no the "Get latest/Get by label" option for the source control systems in the application GUI
      • "Cannot load options from previous session" error is encountered when the Edit button for source control in SQL Server Management Studio is clicked for the first time after it's started
      • The script difference viewer doesn't remember its size when selecting objects in multi monitor environment

      Known issues:

      • Local server result panel says that "No servers detected" although local instance exists when the application is used on 64bit operating system with 64bit SQL Server




      March 6, 2015


      • The application now fully supports Mercurial source control system
      • The application now supports Azure SQL Database V12
      • The application can now utilize all available system memory on 64-bit OS and work with larger databases
      • The application now supports comparison and synchronization for database extended properties
      • ApexSQL Data Diff can now be called from the Main form
      • The Command Line Interface help output has been improved
      • The "Ignore change tracking" option is added
      • The "Ignore database extended properties" option is added
      • The "Ignore authorization" option is added
      • The "Ignore database extended properties" option is added
      • The "Ignore server and database names in synonyms" option is added
      • The "Ignore WITH NOCHECK property of constraints" option is added
      • The "Ignore next filegroups in partition schemes" option is added
      • The "Use DROP/CREATE statements instead of ALTER for different tables" option is added


      • Large HTML Plain report crashes Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome
      • Inability to provide project location directly on Project dialog
      • "System.OutOfMemoryException" error is encountered when comparing databases with 100k objects multiple times in a row
      • "Insufficient memory - ApexSQL Diff was not able to process this database as the system ran out of the available memory" error is encountered when comparing databases with large number of stored procedures
      • The Command Line Interface command cannot generate multiple output files from a single comparison
      • "Cannot specify partition number in the create index statement" error is encountered when executing synchronization script in specific case
      • Foreign key constraint is not taken into consideration when UPDATING column to NOT NULL
      • "Insufficient memory - ApexSQL Diff was not able to process this database as the system ran out of the available memory" error is encountered when re-comparing large databases
      • The Recent project list becomes empty after application is updated
      • The synchronization will fail when DROP & CREATE is set in options and views get rebuilt chronologically in the resulting synch script in alphabetical order
      • There is no check icon when object is selected and checked in the "Main grid"
      • The "Parameter @role_name cannot be empty. Specify a value for @role_name and retry the operation." error is encountered when generated script contains table with enabled Change data capture feature
      • Incorrect alignment of forms, capitalization, and naming issues in the "Data sources" tab
      • A loaded backup is not automatically checked in the "Data sources" tab
      • Missing progress bar for the execution script process
      • "An error occurred while parsing EntityName. Line 1, position 144" error is encountered when snapshots are located in the folder which containes "&" character in its name
      • The Option tab in SQL Server Management Studio has missing "My defaults" button, and "Default" button should be renamed into ApexSQL defaults
      • "ALTER TABLE ALTER COLUMN Extend failed because one or more objects access this column" error is encountered when executing the synchronization script in SQL Server Management Studio and one of the columns that should be altered has an index on it
      • Views are shown in the Main grid as not equal but the Difference viewer is showing them as identical
      • After closing the resized application window, it's not remembered on the next start up
      • Missing an option to check/uncheck the "Include dependent database objects" option in the "New project" window
      • The progress indicator gets stuck while committing changes to source control, until it is completed
      • "Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown" error is encountered when comparing databases or snapshots with large number of objects
      • "An error occurred while creating objects from a script file. Continue?" error is encountered after recomparing the committed SQL 2014 database with a live database
      • "Source control error: Message: There is no working folder mapping for C:\Users\UserName\Desktop\AW2014\Credentials." error is encountered when committing database to Team Foundation Server
      • Primary XML indexes get dropped but are not recreated
      • The synchronization script fails, if a view that appears before the creation of a relevant table has the CROSS JOIN in it's FROM tables list
      • "Cannot DROP FUNCTION '' because it is being referenced by object 'tablename'" error is encountered when executing synchronization script because dependency of table on the function is not detected
      • Objects are shown as different in the Results grid, but there are no differences between them
      • The application won't decrypt encrypted objects and show them in the "Script difference view" pane
      • "An error occurred while creating objects from a script file. Continue?" error is encountered while comparing Subversion source control project with a database
      • "Could not get the list of items for the folder [$] on the server" error is encountered when the incorrect repository is entered for Subversion source control system
      • "Cannot perform alter on '<>' because it is an incompatible object type" error is encountered when synchronizing a multi-statement table-valued function with an inline table-valued function


      • The new "Script difference view" pane is added
      • Support for SourceGear Vault source control system has been deprecated
      • Support for Microsoft Visual SourceSafe source control system has been deprecated
      • Support for MSSCCI-compliant source control systems have been deprecated




      October 31, 2014


      • The "Ignore data compression" option is added
      • The "Ignore WITH ENCRYPTION" option is added
      • Performance has been improved for database backup comparison up to 450%


      • The "The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)" error is encountered when running CLI after updating application through the "Get updates" option
      • The "Save" button from the "New project" dialog is not working after it's clicked once
      • The application reports two different DDL triggers, but there no differences between them in the "Script difference view" pane
      • The "Value cannot be null" error is encountered when the application is started in Windows XP
      • The project will not be saved after the "Save changes to project?" message is shown, after closing the "New project" window
      • Missing the warning message that SQL Server Management Studio should be closed during the application update
      • The inconsistent version number between the "About" window from the application, installer properties, and Control panel information
      • The incorrect information message is shown in the CLI while generating script
      • The Print and Print preview ribbon buttons are not in the appropriate tab
      • The "Disable DDL triggers" option is not working correctly
      • The "Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown" error is encountered when comparing databases with 100.000 objects
      • The incorrect release notes are shown when prompted with the "ApexSQL automatic update service" window

      Known issues:

      • Local server result panel says that "No servers detected" although local instance exists when the application is used on 64bit operating system with 64bit SQL Server
      • Databases cannot be scripted to a Git source control repository




      August 13, 2014


      • The application now fully supports Git up to version 1.9.4


      • The "Support forum" button does not work in the SQL Server Management Studio add-in
      • The "System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException" error is encountered when comparing two live databases
      • Missing compatibility level information for SQL Server 2014 in the CLI
      • Missing the file path information after executing the "/output_type" switch in the CLI
      • Missing the file path information after executing the "/output_format" switch in the CLI
      • The "Could not load file or assembly 'ApexSql.Common.GrammarParser, Version=" error is encountered when synchronizing a live database to a script folder, or source control
      • The non-existent error level code 50 is shown when synchronization ends with the "Cannot use a CONTAINS or FREETEXT predicate on table or index view '<View name>' because it is not full-text indexed" error
      • The "Unable to cast object of type 'ApexSql.Common.Scripting.Sql2012Index' to type 'ApexSql.Common.Scripting.Sql2014Index'" error is encountered when synchronizing a specific backup to a live database in SQL Server 2014
      • The "Some objects may not been created properly" error is encountered when comparing a script folder to a live SQL Server 2008R2 database
      • The "New project" window is not resizable
      • Missing alert during the installation when SQL Server Management Studio is active
      • The "Project management" window is not resizable
      • The application adds columns in the synchronization script, when creating a clustered columnstore index
      • The "Send logs" button does not open a log file location, if a mail client is not installed on the operating system
      • Incorrect functioning of the "Check all/Uncheck all" options
      • Inconsistent naming of options in the "Tools" sections in the application GUI
      • Running a script in a SQL Server job gives "exit code 3" and makes SQL Server failure
      • Incorrect copyright year in the "About" window
      • Unnecessary "Continue?" message appears after synchronizing two tables
      • Incorrect message in the "Activation" dialog when the application is in the Community mode
      • The bottom right "Activation" is clickable and offers an option to activate the application even if it is already activated
      • Incorrect message "Continue?" when continuing from the "View details" pane after investigating details of a script error
      • The "Other" option cannot be enabled under the "Output" options
      • The "Show column filter" option in the "Difference filter" pane is not shown by default view
      • Buttons "Test" and "..." are not functioning for the "Other" option under the "Output" options
      • The "The ConnectionString property has not been initialized" error is encountered when selecting custom backup location during the synchronization wizard
      • The "Specified argument was out of the range of valid values" error is encountered when opening/comparing more consecutive projects
      • The application is reporting objects as not equal, but there are no differences between them
      • The "Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation" error is encountered when setting source/destination databases from SQL Server Management Studio

      Known issues:

      • Local server result panel says that "No servers detected" although local instance exists when the application is used on 64bit operating system with 64bit SQL Server




      May 30, 2014


      • The application now fully supports SQL Server 2014


      • Application adds columns in script after clustered columnstore index is created
      • The "Objects <object_type>.<schema>.<object_name> are not compared yet" error is encountered when comparing databases with objects excluded via object filter
      • The "Object reference not set to an instance of an object' error is encountered and application crashes when comparing backup vs anything with any non-default object filter settings
      • Live databases can not be compared when trial is extended
      • The "Timeout expired" error is encountered when comparing remote databases through CLI
      • Objects selected for synchronization are not shown as checked in the main grid when the project is opened
      • Missing warning that user should close SQL Server Management Studio and that application update will fail if SQL Server Management Studio with integrated application's add-in is active during the update to a newer version
      • The application can compare live database with nonexistent Script folder from the saved project
      • Identical SQL functions are shown as different when comparing a backup with live database
      • Selecting the "Script folder" as the "Data source type", the "SQL Server version" as "SQL 2008", browsing and selecting the "Script folder", selection for the "SQL Server version" will change back to "SQL Server 2000"
      • The application shows different results after reversing a comparison direction and compare databases
      • The "Difference filter" option is not preserved between the sessions
      • The application will not offer to save the project before starting a new one if the database compare is started from SQL Server Management Studio
      • The "Apply filter" button in the "Difference filter" option remains disabled if rows are checked via the "Check/Uncheck selected" command without any manual checking/unchecking
      • The "System.IndexOutOfRangeException - Index <index number> does not have a value" error is encountered when comparing specific databases
      • The "Incorrect syntax near '-'" error is encountered when synchronizing index that refers column with the "-" character in the name
      • SQL unique key is not removed during the sync process in a specific case
      • Exporting to XML does not open report after it is saved
      • SQL scalar function cannot be synchronized if it has an associated table column
      • Values referenced by INCLUDE statement of table index are not wrapped in a brackets
      • The "Check/Uncheck all" option in the "Object filter" dialog does not work
      • The "Data compression" on SQL indexes is not ignored when the "Ignore dataspaces" option is checked
      • Changing the "Output action" option resets "Folder" field for saving the script file
      • The "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error is encountered when comparing specific Azure snapshot to live Azure database
      • The "Community edition of ApexSQL Diff can connect only to Microsoft SQL Server Express or Microsoft Windows Azure SQL Database" error is encountered when connecting to SQL Server Express 64-bit edition in the community edition of the application


      • New user interface that follows Metro UI style

      Known issues:

      • Local server result panel says that "No servers detected" although local instance exists when the application is used on 64bit operating system with 64bit SQL Server




      October 17, 2013


      • Application now supports Windows Azure SQL Server
      • Performance has been improved:
        • Object filtering in the main grid is now up to 150% faster
        • Identifying object dependencies is now up to 220% faster


      • The "Server sent an unexpected return value (403 Forbidden) in response to OPTIONS request for 'SVN Project'" error is encountered when user connected to an Subversion source control repository doesn't have full read permissions
      • The application cannot detect the SQL owner of a SQL search property list as a dependent object
      • Preprocessing and Postprocessing scripts aren't verified for syntax errors prior to saving as a comparison project
      • The Script difference view feature stops working after uninstalling when two different major application versions are installed
      • Identical SQL users are shown as different when comparing a live SQL database with a backup
      • The "'Text' is an invalid XmlNodeType" error is encountered when native Team Foundation Server drivers are used to select "Folder Location" for Team Foundation Server 2012
      • Incorrect synchronization script is generated when comparing backup with restored SQL database with already dropped non-clustered index containing INCLUDE clause
      • The "An object or column name is missing or empty" error is encountered when creating a SQL user using Windows authentication in the destination database
      • The "Check selected" and "Uncheck selected" operation doesn't work in the Difference filter pane for expanded groups
      • The installer requests closing of SQL Server Management Studio
      • Custom location isn't remembered when backup is selected as a Data source
      • Local folders are offered when selecting a backup from a remote server
      • The "No object compared to report" message is displayed when trying to export results in a HTML report format
      • The Configure mappings button doesn't work in SQL Server Management Studio add-in when script folder is selected as a Data source
      • Object and difference filter panes are not disabled in the main grid without opened project
      • The counter for Excluded objects in the status bar of the main grid showing a negative value after re-comparison of data sources
      • Identical SQL functions are shown as different when comparing a SQL database with a Script folder
      • The "Project Settings" form can be closed without the asking to save project
      • The "System.OutOfMemoryException" error is encountered when comparing SQL databases with more than 100,000 objects
      • Dependencies are not scripted in proper order when synchronizing SQL contracts
      • The "Incorrect syntax near ')'" error is encountered when synchronizing SQL contracts
      • The "ApexSQL Diff has stopped working" error is encountered when comparing databases via CLI after the trial period expired
      • The application reads SQL object's metadata incorrectly for SQL Server backups larger than 4Gb


      • The application has been split into three editions - Community, Standard and Professional
      • The add-in menu is now under the "ApexSQL" parent menu




      March 18, 2013


      • The "/prescript_file_path" and "/postscript_file_path" CLI switches were added to specify file paths of pre-processing and post-processing scripts


      • The attempt to connect to a data source cannot be canceled when reloading object metadata on the project dialog's Object filter tab
      • The "Login failed for user <user name>" error is encountered when attempting to save a project containing information on objects filtered out via the Object filter and an incorrect password has been provided
      • Different SQL role owners are detected but the SQL roles are not synchronized
      • The SQL owner and SQL schema of a SQL search property list are not recognized as dependent on the search property list itself
      • Updating the execution timeout setting in the SQL Server Management Studio add-in's Connection options, doesn't affect the same setting in the standalone application
      • Only live database can be compared via the SQL Server Management Studio add-in
      • The SQL Server Management Studio add-in disregards changing the authentication type to Windows authentication and attempts to use SQL Server authentication instead
      • Differences in SQL search property list's PROPERTY_SET_GUID aren't detected
      • The SQL Server Management Studio add-in is not completely removed when the application is uninstalled
      • The error "Catastrophic failure (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8000FFFF (E_UNEXPECTED))" is encountered when selecting any database as the comparison source or destination in SQL Server Management Studio 2005 if the "ApexSQL Diff" window is docked and unpinned
      • The Defaults drop-down button isn't highlighted in the Options tab of the SQL Server Management Studio add-in
      • Pre-processing and post-processing scripts' syntax isn't verified
      • Object filter settings persist when reopening the application although they should have been discarded on application shutdown
      • An incorrect synchronization script is created when live databases are compared and the "Include transaction handling" option is selected
      • The application exports to a script folder incorrectly, resulting in differences between the live objects and their exported scripts
      • The uninstall process of the application will not stop automatically if the SQL Server Management Studio add-in is active, resulting in an incomplete uninstall
      • The synchronization script contains the SQL USE statement if the "Script USE for database" option is turned off in the project file, and the command line interface is used for synchronization


      • The application has been split into two editions - Standard and Professional




      October 15, 2012


      • Performance has been significantly improved:
        • Comparison of all object types is now faster up to 140%; most noticeable performance improvements are for Schema/User objects loading which is now up to 7200% faster
        • Identifying object dependencies is now up to 2000% faster
        • Synchronization of all object types is now up to 1500% faster
      • The application now integrates into SQL Server Management Studio 2012, 2008 and 2005 as an add-in:
        • The following commands are now available from the 'ApexSQL Diff' main menu: 'ApexSQL Diff...', 'Support Forum', 'Help' and 'About ApexSQL Diff'
        • The following commands are now available from the 'ApexSQL Diff' Object Explorer database level context menu: 'Set As Source Database' and 'Set As Destination Database'
        • The comparison process can be initiated from the 'ApexSQL Diff' window after selecting the data sources and comparison options
      • The application is now FIPS compliant


      • Differences in trigger order of database DDL Triggers are not found
      • CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX statements is not displayed in Script Differences panel when comparing database backup with identical database snapshot
      • Modified Object Filter settings are immediately overwritten on attempt to open existing Object Filter settings
      • Modified Difference Filter settings are immediately overwritten on attempt to open existing Difference Filter settings
      • Stored procedures are not found on Dependencies step of Synchronization Wizard when synchronizing an Assembly
      • Contracts used by a Service are not included in the synchronization script when they exist only in one of the two compared databases
      • Synchronization script cannot synchronize an Assembly as not all dependent objects are found
      • Synchronize script cannot synchronize SQL Server 2012 database containing Triggers with a database without Triggers as Trigger dependencies are not found
      • Synchronize script cannot synchronize SQL Server 2008 database containing Views with a database without Views as second level View dependencies are not found
      • Source Schema and Destination Schema are blank for SQL Server 2012 database Sequence objects in the main grid if grid alignment is set to Centered
      • Identical DDL Triggers are shown as different when comparing live database with a snapshot
      • Stored Procedures aren't found as dependent objects when synchronizing different assembly

      Known limitations:

      • Auto-updating from previous application version doesn't integrate the application into SQL Server Management Studio
      • Auto-updating from previous application version doesn't retain activation status and always reverts back to 14 days trial period
      • Inexistent User object differences are found when comparing identical live database with its backup
      • Database backup isn't created and no errors are reported after synchronizing databases when 'Backup the database before synchronization' setting is ON
      • "Differences View is not available" error message is encountered in Script Difference View panel in remaining application instances if multiple application versions were installed and the latest 2012 version is uninstalled




      May 18, 2012


      • SQL Server 2012 databases and backups are now fully supported for comparison and synchronization
      • The following SQL Server 2012 object types are now fully supported:
        • Sequence
        • Search property list
      • Natively compressed backups can now be compared
      • 'SQL Server 2012 Management Studio' output editor setting has been added to the Options form allowing using SQL Server 2012 Management Studio to open a generate synchronization script
      • Main grid now contains navigation bar


      • Identical Stored Procedures are shown as different when comparing SQL Server 2000 live database with a script folder
      • 'Files' difference type is not found for Assemblies created from different libraries with different content
      • "Index was outside the bounds of the array" error is encountered when database export to a snapshot process is cancelled
      • Script Execution Results dialog doesn't display synchronization script execution result outcome when executing synchronization immediately after selecting two live databases
      • "Unable to load snapshot '<full path to snapshot>'" error message is encountered after refreshing datasources if the comparison process has been canceled previously
      • Filter Editor settings in Object Filter panel can be modified for object types excluded from comparison
      • Main grid context menu color scheme doesn't match the main window after changing application color scheme
      • Script Difference panel is displayed when switching from Left Aligned to Centered grid view and all objects are filtered out from the main grid
      • "Objects <object name> are not compared yet" CLI error message is encountered when /exc: and /ots: switches are used
      • Extended property differences are not found if defined on a Table constraint in SQL Server 2000 database
      • Bitwise Set in Object Filter page of Project dialog shows a non-zero value after checking Un-Check All checkbox for SQL Server 2000 databases
      • Bitwise Set tooltip in Object Filter page of Project dialog describes Un-Check All checkbox functionality
      • Table indexes and unique constraints have differences in script formatting when comparing a SQL Server 2000 database to SQL Server 2005 database
      • Sparse attribute differences are not recognized for columns of a User Defined Data Type
      • "Missing target object" error is encountered when synchronizing live databases with 'Include Dependent Database Object' option ON
      • User Login differences are not found
      • Changing connection options in Project dialog doesn't reinitiate comparison
      • Table unique constraints are still visible in Difference viewer when 'Ignore unique constraints' option is ON
      • "Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'COLLATE'" error is encountered when synchronizing Sparse columns
      • Reopening a project containing regular expressions filter automatically excludes all newly supported object types from comparison
      • Object differences in new line are not ignored when option 'Ignore white space' is ON
      • "Cannot alter column <column name> to be data type text" error is encountered when synchronizing text and ntext type columns




      July 7, 2011


      • Performance has been improved for all common usage scenarios ranging from 10 to more than 700%. Most noticeable improvements are Script Folder and Source Control data source comparison (up to 400%), working over slow network connections (up to 700% and higher), synchronization script execution (up to 400% and higher) and direct synchronization to Script Folder and Source Control data sources (up to 700% and higher)
      • SQL Server Denali CTP1 databases can now be compared and synchronized including the following new features:
        • Search property list name attribute for Fulltext Indexes
        • Poison message handling attribute for Queues
        • Geometry and Geography Auto Grid tessellation scheme for Spatial Indexes
      • Progress dialogs have been redesigned across the application for improved accuracy and usability


      • "There was an error while adding file to Source Control" error message is encountered when synchronizing live database to an empty project using Native Team Foundation Server 2010 driver
      • Indexes are displayed differently in Difference viewer for different SQL Server versions
      • Action order reported in Synchronization wizard for Roles may differ from the real one
      • System.InvalidOperationException exception is encountered when opening a project if ‘System cryptography: Use FIPS compliant algorithms for encryption, hashing, and signing' security setting is enabled either in the Local Security Policy or as part of Group Policy
      • System.ArgumentException exception is encountered when comparing live database with a script folder that contains duplicate primary key definitions
      • Object name capitalization isn't preserved when exporting live database to a script folder
      • ApexSql.Common.GrammarParser.Exceptions.ParserException exception is encountered when comparing snapshot with an empty database
      • Application options aren't preserved on upgrade from 2008 application releases
      • Resetting project settings to default doesn't trigger re-compare
      • Owner/Schema is displayed for non-schema bound objects in main grid when Centered view is selected
      • Paths to Script Folder data sources aren't validated
      • Application doesn't offer to save changes in currently opened project when opening another existing project
      • Source and destination objects are differently highlighted in main grid when Centered view is selected
      • Same objects may get exported to source control differently
      • Database settings aren't preserved when exporting using MSSCCI Visual SourceSafe driver
      • Folder mappings can't be customized separately per each data source
      • My Defaults settings aren't preserved between application sessions
      • Application can't connect to default machine repository using Native Subversion driver
      • Primary key and unique constraints with different column order are detected as equal with ‘ASC/DESC for Index Columns' option ON
      • Extended properties on User Defined Data Types don't get exported to Script Folder data source from SQL Server 2000 databases
      • Incorrect SQL Server version is shown in status bar for snapshots created from SQL Server 2008R2 databases
      • Action order may be reported incorrectly in Synchronization wizard when table data is preserved to a temporary table
      • "Exception UnknownProject occurred performing operation: GetProjectPath" error message is encountered when connecting to a project using MSSCCI SourceGear Vault driver the second time
      • Partition Functions based on NCHAR and NVARCHAR data type get synchronized incorrectly
      • CsSCC.InvalidSccOperationException exception is encountered when synchronizing one Source Control project to another using MSSCCI drivers
      • ApexSql.Common.SourceControl.SourceControlErrorException exception is encountered when comparing live database and an empty project using MSSCCI Team Foundation Serverdriver
      • Synchronizing same named Event Notifications to Source Control project using MSSCCI drivers results in duplication messages with CsSCC.InvalidSccOperationException exception afterwards
      • System.ArgumentException exception is encountered when comparing Tables with a few indexes different in secondary attributes
      • Unsupported WHERE clause of statistics objects get synchronized from SQL Server 2008 to SQL Server 2000/2005
      • Dependent Tables may not get included in synchronization script when synchronizing Triggers with ‘Include Dependent Database Object' option ON


      • VBScript output format has been deprecated




      December 23, 2010


      • Fulltext Stoplists are now fully supported


      • "System.IO.IOException" exception is encountered when synchronizing to Script Folder with backup if snapshot path doesn't exist
      • Empty folders are created for not selected for exporting object types when exporting to Script Folder in CLI
      • Synchronization script attempts to change CHECK/NOCHECK attribute of Foreign Key constraint after dropping
      • Respective difference code isn't set for user data types different in nullability in Differences section of HTML Reports when comparing SQL Server 2008 databases
      • Some types of differences in spaces aren't marked in Scripts section of HTML Reports
      • Main grid Object Filter settings can't be exported if individual filters contain double quotes ("")
      • Application stops responding after cancelling comparison with Cancel button
      • Differences in parameter type of Partition Functions aren't detected
      • Application stops responding when comparing large databases (> 4,000 objects) containing encrypted objects
      • Comments enclosed within /* */ aren't ignored with Ignore Comments option ON
      • db_datareader fixed database role isn't synchronized to Script Folder and Source Control data sources
      • Application doesn't offer to save changes in opened project when creating a new one
      • Type of Script Folder and Source Control data sources isn't specified in HTML Reports
      • No warning is shown when trying to install application while another instance is running
      • Differences in parameter order of Stored Procedures aren't detected
      • Tables dependent on XML Schema Collections are synchronized with errors
      • Differences in DATA_COMPRESSION attribute of Tables aren't synchronized
      • Reversing synchronization direction in Synchronization Wizard reverses source and destination objects in main grid
      • "System.NullReferenceException" exception is encountered when synchronizing AdventureWorks database resided in SQL Server 2008 to empty Script Folder
      • Spaces after commas (,) aren't ignored with Ignore White Space option ON
      • Schema filters can be set for non schema bound objects in main grid Object Filter
      • Space bar can't be used to check/uncheck items in main grid Object Filter
      • Project Management dialog Show on Startup option isn't persisted
      • View DDL for Source/Destination Object main grid context menu items do nothing if application is running under non-administrative user account on Window Vista/7
      • Not contains, Equal and Between operators don't work for Missing and Additional objects in main grid Object Filter
      • Non-existing projects are shown on Project Management dialog
      • Equal Stored Procedures with parameters of XML data type are reported as different
      • Associated Unique constraint gets unnecessarily recreated in synchronization script when renaming respective table column




      July 16, 2010


      • Encrypted SQL Server 2005/2008 objects can now be decrypted and processed (requires membership in the sysadmin server role)
      • Backups/backup sets can now be used as a data source
      • New Office 2007 style interface with ribbon bar, quick access toolbar, and ApexSQL Diff button
      • New Resources ribbon bar is introduced for quick access to Help page, Support forum, Training page, FAQs, Knowledge base, Troubleshooting, About and Get Updates dialog boxes
      • Options dialog box has been redesigned with new Office 2007 button bar
      • Application is now fully compatible with Team Foundation Server 2010
      • Project Defaults can now be defined for newly created projects
      • Project options can now be saved as current user defaults settings
      • Project options can now be reset either to current user or to ApexSQL defaults
      • Tooltips with option description and example are shown for Project options
      • Project Management dialog box now shows recently used projects or projects saved in any folder of choice
      • Projects can be Pinned/Un-Pined to Recent Projects list on Project Management dialog box
      • Data sources can be compared directly from Project Management dialog box
      • Project description can be edited directly from Project Management dialog box
      • 'Show on Startup' option has been added to Project Management dialog box
      • Synchronization direction is shown directly in Project Management dialog box for selected project
      • Show Advanced Tabs button in Project Management dialog box displays additional steps (Schema Mapping, Object Filter and Additional Scripts)
      • Dependent objects can now be selected for synchronization individually
      • Dependent objects are now shown with their references
      • Grouping by Action Type is available on Summary and Warnings step of Synchronization Wizard
      • New Warning dialog box that displays all high warnings before synchronization have been added
      • Synchronization script Editor can be selected on Output Options step of Synchronization Wizard
      • 'Create Synchronization Script' action is available on Output Options step of Synchronization Wizard when destination source is Source Control or Script Folder
      • 'Open script folder after synchronization' setting is now available for Script Folder data sources on Output Options step of Synchronization Wizard
      • 'Backup scripts before synchronization' setting is now available for Script Folder data sources on Output Options step of Synchronization Wizard
      • Results grid can now be presented in 2 views: Left Aligned and Centered
      • Results grid supports 3 predefined grouping types: Group by difference type, Group by object type and No grouping
      • Redesigned Object Filter allows setting filter both for particular object type and for all types
      • Object Filter allows defining filtering criteria using Filter Editor
      • Filter Editor allows to interactively create filtering expressions using Name and Schema fields
      • Filter Editor allows to filter comparison results based on 'Exclude if' or 'Include if' conditions
      • Filter Editor criteria can use the following comparison operators: 'Equal', 'Not Equal', 'Between', 'Not between', 'Contains', 'Not contains', 'Begins with', 'Ends with', 'Any of' and 'None of' and the following logical operators: 'And', 'And not', 'Or' and 'Or not'
      • Object Filter settings can be exported to or imported from file
      • Object Filter items can be grouped by SQL Object Type or by Category
      • New tooltip balloons have been added to source and destination data source bars of main window status bar
      • Number of selected objects and number of filtered objects are now displayed in main window status bar
      • New Comparison Statistics dialog box is response to clicking on the selected for comparison and filtered out bars
      • Startup action ('Show Project Management dialog', 'Show last opened project' and 'None') can now be set in Options dialog box
      • Application can now be presented in 3 color schemes: Blue, Silver and Black
      • Differences by type panel has been redesigned for improved look
      • Script Difference panel toolbar has been replaced with context menu


      • "NullReferenceException" exception is thrown when comparing snapshot of Northwind database with itself
      • Application cannot create a new source control project in Source Control Wizard for Team Foundation Server 2008
      • Application detects false differences in text-based objects when comparing Northwind database against its snapshot
      • "Cannot insert the value NULL into column" error occurs when synchronizing tables if a NULL table column with data is changed to NOT NULL
      • Difference Filter panel loses all filter selections after reloading exported filters from file
      • "NullReferenceException" exception is thrown when synchronizing users with extended properties
      • PAGE LOCK and ROW LOCK index properties aren't synchronized to SQL Server 2008 databases
      • "Cannot alter column '' because it is 'image'" error is encountered on altering a column of image type on SQL Server 2000
      • Application detects false differences in foreign keys after synchronizing to SQL Server 2000 and re-comparing
      • Table is excessively re-created when renaming a computed column
      • "System.IO.FileNotFoundException" exception is thrown on saving synchronization script to file on Windows Vista and 7
      • Object names are shown non qualified on Summary and Warnings step of Synchronization Wizard
      • Application detects false differences in queues when comparing SQL Server 2008 database with its export to folder
      • Schema bound view fulltext indexes aren't compared when comparing SQL Server 2008 database with its export to folder
      • Tables with full text indexes cannot be synchronized into empty script folder
      • Project file date is changed each time it's used in CLI
      • User data type extended properties aren't synchronized along with dependent tables with dependencies included
      • Data preservation code is included in synchronization scripts even for empty tables
      • View trigger may be incorrectly altered after drop in synchronization scripts
      • Application fails to bind rule to user data type on synchronization after unbinding
      • Application adds same UNIQUE constraint twice on synchronizing tables from SQL Server 2000 to SQL Server 2008
      • "System.NullReferenceException" exception is thrown when synchronizing a snapshot of SQL Server 2000 database to empty live SQL Server 2008 database
      • Application synchronizes tables via unnecessary DROP/CREATE statements instead of ALTER when function is changed in calculated column
      • Application doesn't create statistics after altering view
      • Application doesn't synchronize CHECK constraints in case dependent function parameter was removed
      • Application detects false differences in procedure names after rename with the use of sp_rename system procedure
      • Table differences in CHANGE_TRACKING attribute aren't synchronized
      • Schema bound objects aren't unbound prior to synchronization
      • Tables are excessively recreated during synchronization in case they are different in primary key only
      • Drop Extended Property actions in summaries are outputted prior to Rename Extended Property actions
      • ALTER AUTHORIZATION statements aren't processed from scripts
      • Application displays parse warnings on loading scripts with GRANTs for user data types
      • TYPE :: [dbo].[TypeName] constructs aren't parsed from scripts
      • Equally named but belonging to different tables check constraints are reported as existing on loading from scripts
      • Partitioned indexes are detected as belonging to PRIMARY filegroup on loading from scripts
      • Object filegroups aren't detected on loading from scripts
      • Application removes most of existing comments when loading scripts
      • Application doesn't detect dependent tables inside ENABLE TRIGGER statements in a procedure
      • Application doesn't detect dependent tables inside DROP STATISTICS statements in a procedure
      • Application cannot detect dependent assemblies of stored procedures
      • Application cannot compare Subversion projects from repositories named using mixed case


      • Default values have been inverted for the following Ignore options:
        • Permission,
        • ANSI option,
        • Bound Rules/Defaults,
        • White Space,
        • Case,
        • Collations,
        • Constraint Names,
        • Full Text Indexes,
        • WITH NOCHECK property of constraints,
        • PAGE LOCK and ROW LOCK properties of indexes,
        • NOT FOR REPLICATION Attribute of Constraints,
        • Secondary Index Attributes,
        • Statistics,
        • User Defined Datatypes
      • Following options were moved to Project Setting Form from Synchronization Wizard
        • Script Format
        • Manage Owners
        • Additional Script Processing
      • Select and Group columns capabilities have been removed from Main Grid
      • Column filter has been removed from Main Grid
      • Properties tab has been removed from Project Settings form
      • Application assemblies are now signed using ApexSQL private key and can be manually verified for validity




      November 11, 2009


      • Application evaluation period has been changed from 30 to 14 days
      • The functionalities provided by the ApexSQL Source Control add-in are now integrated to the application and no longer require the add-in nor the add-in's activation




      October 14, 2009


      • Application now shows comparison summary and script level differences in CLI


      • Changing nullability from NULL to NOT NULL fails if the column contains NULL values
      • If new NOT NULL column with default constraint is added to table restoring table data fails with "Cannot insert the value NULL into column" error
      • Adding NOT NULL column to table causes differences in default constraints
      • Dependent views aren't detected for views
      • Dependencies on user data types aren't found for SQL Server 2000 databases
      • SQL Server 2008 fulltext indexes are scripted in SQL Server 2008 syntax to databases in 90 compatibility mode
      • InteropServices.COMException exception is thrown at application startup if Differences Viewer (WinCmp3x.ocx) is unregistered
      • Firing order is lost on trigger alteration
      • System.OutOfMemory exception is thrown on generating snapshots for large (>10,000 objects) databases
      • Application incorrectly detects differences between same views and functions when comparing database and script folder
      • Default constraints aren't read from script folders
      • Extended properties on primary keys created with "INDEX" specified as sub-object type aren't scripted
      • Saved credentials aren't cleared on server change on Data Sources tab of Project Settings form
      • Synchronization to Subversion source control system in CLI is done 2 times slower than in GUI
      • Database snapshots cannot be read if they are created on a system with date/time format MM/DD/YY
      • Information about database case sensitivity is missed in database snapshots
      • Last '/r/n' chars are not read from flat scripts for View and Function objects
      • Extended properties are not scripted for indexes created on a primary key constraint
      • Default constraints aren't read from scripts when names of constrains are equal in tables with same names but under different schemas
      • NCHAR procedures parameters are loaded from scripts having incorrect max_length and precision values
      • TEXTIMAGE_ON table property isn't scripted when objects are loaded from flat scripts


      • New SQL Server 2008 types are now scripted to SQL Server 2000/2005 the following way:
        • date as binary(5),
        • time as binary(3),
        • datetime2 as binary(8),
        • datetimeoffset as binary(10)
        • geometry as nvarchar(4000)
        • geography as nvarchar(4000)
        • hierarchyid as binary(892)
        • table data types as image
      • FILESTREAM column property isn't scripted to SQL Server 2000/2005 now
      • Object names are now scripted fully qualified in PRINT statements and comments
      • Application now doesn't allow to label synchronization result when synchronizing to Subversion source control system




      August 28, 2009


      • "Object PartitionColumn is ignored: object already exists" warning is shown when reading partition schemas from scripts
      • Cannot read and compare scripts of textual objects if the scripts are generated using SQL Server Management Studio with the "Include IF NOT EXISTS" option ON
      • When "Check for Object Existence with IF EXISTS/IF NOT EXISTS" option is ON, textual objects with single quote in the script body are incorrectly scripted
      • Textual objects are sometimes scripted without GO causing errors when running synchronization script
      • Script-level differences are sometimes not shown for textual objects (both panes of Difference Viewer are empty)
      • WITH ENCRYPTION clause appears after AS in triggers with ' in names if Add WITH ENCRYPTION option is turned on
      • False differences are always detected in database role members order when comparing live database vs. its copy in flat scripts
      • "Object PartitionColumn is ignored: object already exists" script parsing message appears without pointing to the exact partition column when parsing partitioned table scripts
      • False differences in unique constraints appear when comparing SQL Server 2005 database vs. SQL Server 2008
      • Objects aren't loaded from flat script files if their creation scripts are inside an sp_executesql procedure call




      August 19, 2009


      • New warnings have been added for the following synchronization scenarios:
        • Extended properties on statistics from SQL Server 2000 to SQL Server 2005/2008
        • XML data types from SQL Server 2005/2008 to SQL Server 2000
        • CLR data types from SQL Server 2005/2008 to SQL Server 2000
        • Date, time, datetime2, datetimeoffset and hierarchyID data types from SQL Server 2008 to SQL Server 2000/2005
        • DATA_COMPRESSION attributes from SQL Server 2008 to SQL Server 2000/2005
        • XML column sets from SQL Server 2008 to SQL Server 2000/2005
      • New Differences Viewer Toolbar enabling differences viewer font customization was added hidden by default


      • Tables with computed columns are always synchronized via DROP/CREATE
      • Incorrect message is shown on comparison if Source Control working folder is unavailable
      • Credentials are asked for twice on database exports with SourceGear Vault MSSCCI driver
      • Same working folder can't be used for multiple projects when working with Microsoft Visual SourceSafe
      • Description for Case In Names comparison option is incorrect
      • Various UI problems in Source Control wizard under 120 dpi fonts
      • Subfolder names are incorrectly verified in Source Control wizard
      • When synchronizing to script folder scripts are always created on PRIMARY filegroup
      • XML collections are incorrectly scripted to difference viewer
      • Comparison progress is shown in the left upper corner of desktop in first run after installation
      • Database triggers aren't synchronized if both data sources are script folders
      • SQL Server 2005/2008 objects aren't shown at Project Settings | Object Filter step by default
      • Schemas aren't enclosed in square brackets in database exports
      • Destination only schema mapped to source is incorrectly dropped in generated synchronization script if Include Dependent Database Objects option is ON
      • Application doesn't synchronize unique clustered and fulltext indexes on views
      • It's impossible to configure and save projects with data sources not set
      • DirectoryNotFoundException is thrown on synchronization if default folder for synchronization script is unavailable
      • In Source Control wizard, test succeeds even with unavailable Source Control project
      • Synchronization from SQL Server 2005 to SQL Server 2000 fails for nvarchar(max) columns
      • Source Control add-in activation silently expires in case application isn't restarted after activation
      • "Incorrect syntax near ," error appears when adding WITH ENCRYPTION clause to a procedure's header with DBCC FREESYSTEMCACHE ('ALL','default') operation in thebody if Add WITH ENCRYPTION option is turned on
      • WITH ENCRYPTION clause appears in ANSI options for schema bound views if Add WITH ENCRYPTION option is turned on
      • OutOfMemory exception is thrown when parsing large databases (>10,000 objects) if Include Dependent Database Objects option is on
      • Information about database case sensitivity is missed in database snapshots
      • Database trigger state is neither compared nor synchronized if source or target trigger is disabled


      • When generated script can't be opened with internal editor (when it's >3MB in size), user is offered to select another editor in addition to saving script to file

      Known limitations:

      • MSSCCI-compliant Source Control systems are not supported in CLI




      May 28, 2009


      • Improved support for Script Folder and Source Control datasources. Temporary database is no longer required for restoring the information from the script folders or scripts stored under the Source Control
      • Added Default Collation property to specify default collation for Script Folder and Source Control datasources
      • Added SQL Server Version property to specify script compatibility level for Script Folder and Source Control datasources
      • Added "Script USE for Database" option to specify if "USE []" statement should be included in synchronization script
      • New /collation1, /collation2 CLI switches to specify default collation for Script Folder and Source Control datasources
      • New /compatibility_level1, /compatibility_level2 CLI switches to specify SQL Server version for Script Folder and Source Control datasources
      • New /no_scr_use_db CLI switch to specify the USE statement should not be included from synchronization script
      • Tree view in Source Control Wizard to navigate between pages
      • User interface of Login page in Source Control Wizard is specific for every Source Control system
      • Last used Source Control settings in Source Control Wizard are retained for every Source Control system
      • An ability to configure Folder Mappings for Script Folder datasource
      • An ability to review Source Control Project Status (CheckOut status of all files in the source control project)
      • Added DatabaseSettings.xml file for Script Folder and Source Control datasources that contains information about default collation and SQL Server version
      • Added new column with checkboxes to Folder Mappings form that allows to include or exclude types for export to or load from Script Folder and Source Control datasources
      • Added new column with checkboxes to Folder Mappings page of Options form that allows to set default values for including or excluding types for Script Folder and Source Control datasources


      • Incorrect processing of schema bound views on syncing the dependent object


      • GetLatestVersion/GetByLabel options are moved to Source Control Wizard
      • Removed /drop_temp_database1, /drop_temp_database2 CLI switches

      Known limitations:

      • MSSCCI-compliant Source Control systems are not supported via the console (CLI)




      April 20, 2009


      • Source Control datasource supports MSSCCI-compliant systems
      • Source Control Wizard allows initializing Source Control datasource


      • Performance: usage the Object filter feature via VPN is very slow
      • Bad layout in the Project Settings dialog under Large fonts (120 dpi)
      • False differences in script-based object headers (for example, in procedures) in brackets, quotes and schemas/owners (for example, create proc "dbo".[my_procedure]versus create proc my_procedure)
      • Incorrect handling of the renamed script-based objects resulted in displaying the old names in the difference viewer and in the final script

      Known limitations:

      • MSSCCI-compliant Source Control systems are not supported via the console (CLI)




      March 19, 2009


      • An ability to export/import Folder Mapping to XML file
      • An ability synchronize to Script Folder and Source Control datasources
      • An ability to set comments for Check-In to Source Control
      • An ability to set label for project in Source Control
      • Added visual tool tip to Schema mapping tab
      • Added Actions by File tab to Summary And Warnings step of Synchronization Wizard
      • New /script_folder1, /script_folder2 CLI switches to specify Script Folder data source
      • New /export CLI switch to export live database to Script Folder, Snapshot or Source Control datasource
      • New /folder_mapping CLI switch to import Folder Mapping from XML file
      • Source control support for Visual SourceSafe
      • New /author, /legal switches to explicitly specify "Created By" and "Legal" information in output scripts and reports


      • Poor button's layout in 120 dpi in project Settings dialog
      • Lack of progress bar for Export Data Source functionality
      • Choose Project in SCS dialog takes unusually long time in some cases when exporting the data source
      • Using incorrect table sys.indexes instead of sys.STATS when checking existence of statistic object
      • Incorrect script for syncing indexes of indexed views without dependencies
      • NullReference Exception appears trying to select an object type in the Options|Folder Mapping Tab
      • Choose Project in Source Control Settings dialog takes unusually long time in some cases when exporting the data source
      • App incorrectly scripts indexes with DATA_COMPRESSION option
      • Unable to load snapshot error appears trying to open some snapshots
      • Incorrect preserving data from a table having an identity column


      • Grid tool bar is hidden by default
      • Difference Code Grid is moved from Differences Filter panel to new Differences panel
      • Differences Filter panel is hidden by default
      • Removed /use_sourcecontrol_integration1, /use_sourcecontrol_integration2 CLI switches
      • Removed /make_snapshot CLI switch
      • Changed order of object types in filter popup window of Type column of Main Grid
      • Source schema and destination schema columns of Main Grid are shown if schemas are mapped – otherwise it shows one "Schema" only
      • Excluded 'Ignore' word from all checkboxes of option tabs of Project Setting form
      • Remove all report options except Include Scripts one from HTML report options (do those changes in CLI)
      • App doesn't restore system objects from Script Folder datasource




      February 2, 2009


      • New source type (Script folder) in Project Settings form
      • Added "Folder Mapping" tab to "Options" form that allows to map object types to script folders
      • Added "Temp Databases" tab to "Options" form that allows to manage temporary databases
      • Replaced "Create a snapshot" feature with "Export Data Source" that allows to export database to snapshot, source control or script folder
      • Added browsing for repository and project in "Source Control Settings" form
      • Added "Export Data Source" button to Project Settings that opens "Export Data Source" form


      • "For replication" stored procedures are stealth
      • AUTHOR and LEGAL fields in output script are not from project file when CLI uses project file
      • Unable to generate syncing script when the destination is source control in CLI mode
      • "Save to:" location for output script won't work. It will always be saved to default Syncronize.sql file
      • Comparison snapshot against same snapshot shows differences in function (in column order) in some cases
      • Exception occurs while using project created under SQL SERVER 2008 on SQL SERVER 2000
      • "Cannot specify partition number in the create index statement" sync error in some cases


      • Offline help file is no longer provided and application will now directly access online help from the default system browser




      December 23, 2008


      • Exception working with Vault; trying to read files that are not scripts (like zips) from Source Control label
      • HTML reports are generated as Unicode although /enc:ANSI option is used in CLI
      • When comparing Source Control to Source Control data source both data sources must not have must not use the same temporary database
      • Application was unable to get SQL scripts from Vault in some cases
      • SQL Server 2008 keyword PERSISTED not recognized
      • Source Control: Pressing Test button in the empty form results in not user friendly message
      • Fails to pick up database user from CLI
      • Syncing script was not generated when destination database is Source Control folder
      • Compare a database against the snapshot where the snapshot is generated from that database
      • Backup database will be generated in synchronization script even if we uncheck Backup option from synchronization wizard
      • Exception using project with source and destination databases hosted on SQL Server 2008 and then using the same project for databases hosted on SQL SERVER 2000
      • Comparing 2 identical snapshots will show differences
      • Syncing two tables with computed column c3 (c3=c1+c2 ) used ALTER instead CREATE statement
      • Exception when trying to generate the Html Plain Report
      • Visual layout disturbed in HTML Example for Ignore UDT option
      • Layout: Edit boxes on Source Control form different in width
      • Layout: Comparison grid column not saving its size
      • Layout: Synchronization wizard buttons disturbed
      • AdventureWorks (SQL Server 2008) to empty database synchronization issues
      • Not detecting well dependencies of the source object
      • Not detecting stored procedure, functions, views being dependent on user defined type
      • Unable to synchronize FILESTREAM NULL (source) against FILESTREAM NOT NULL (destination)
      • Unable to recognize difference in Data compression type ROW vs. PAGE
      • Unable to recognize SQL SERVER 2008 FILTERED indexes
      • Some cases when Tables with dependences are incorrectly synchronized
      • Error in syncing script in drop order for user defined types
      • Xml columns are mapped to ntext when comparing SQL SERVER 2000 and SQL SERVER 2008 db's
      • Unexpected error in CLI "Object reference not set to an instance of an object"
      • Selecting objects in synchronization grid using CTRL+A sometimes not work
      • Cannot remove the Source Control Add-In from "About" box
      • Unable to save the project from Project Settings Wizard
      • Differences when comparing the same live database Adventure Works hosted on SQL 2005 and hosted on SQL 2008
      • Exception "Key in dictionary" when generating the synchronization script
      • Exception when current project is deleted
      • Exception "Unable to cast object of type" when comparing
      • Application doesn't find dependencies to an assembly in some cases

      Known limitations:

      • Scripts need to be named <schema>.<object_name>.sql way
      • Each object type should be scripted to the respective folder:
        • 'ROLES' or 'ROLE' for Roles,
        • 'ASSEMBLIES', 'ASSEMBLY' for Assemblies,
        • 'CONTRACT', 'CONTRACTS' for Contracts,
        • 'CREDENTIAL', 'CREDENTIALS' for Credentials,
        • 'DDLTRIGGER', 'DDLTRIGGERS' for DDL Triggers,
        • 'DEFAULT', 'DEFAULTS' for Defaults,
        • 'EVENTNOTIFICATION', 'EVENTNOTIFICATIONS' for Event Notifications,
        • 'FULLTEXTCATALOG', 'FULLTEXTCATALOGS' for Fulltext Catalogs,
        • 'MESSAGETYPE', 'MESSAGETYPES' for Message Types,
        • 'PARTITIONFUNCTION', 'PARTITIONFUNCTIONS' for Partition Functions
        • 'PARTITIONSCHEME', 'PARTITIONSCHEMES' for Partition Schemes,
        • 'QUEUE', 'QUEUES' for Queues,
        • 'ROUTE', 'ROUTES' for Routes,
        • 'RULE', 'RULES' for Rules,
        • 'SCHEMA', 'SCHEMAS' for Schemas,
        • 'SERVICE', 'SERVICES' for Services,
        • 'SYNONYM', 'SYNONYMS' for Synonyms,
        • 'TABLE', 'TABLES' for Tables,
        • 'TRIGGER', 'TRIGGERS' for Triggers,
        • 'USER', 'USERS' for Users,
        • 'VIEW', 'VIEWS' for Views,
      • Each object should be scripted to the individual file
      • Each script should not contain USE db command
      • Decrypting of encrypted MSSQL 2005 and 2008 objects not supported




      November 24, 2008


      • Up to 5x faster comparison and synchronization performance than in previous version
      • Differences Viewer now displays carriage return and linefeed symbols as whitespace
      • Source control support for SourceGear Vault, Subversion, Team Foundation Server
      • New source type (Source Control) in Project Settings
      • 'Add with Encryption' option in Synchronization Wizard for functions, procedures, triggers and views
      • Support for SQL Server 2008 table-valued user-defined types
      • Support for SQL Server 2008 SPARSE columns
      • Support for SQL Server 2008 FILE_STREAM columns
      • Support for SQL Server 2008 DATA_COMPRESSION option
      • Support for SQL Server 2008 READONLY parameters of SQL Server 2008 procedures
      • Support for SQL Server 2008 Geometry, Geography, HierarchyID types
      • Support for SQL Server 2008 XML_COLUMN_SET columns
      • Support for SQL Server 2008 CRYPTOGRAPHIC_PROVIDER credential attribute
      • New /scf1(/scf2) CLI switch for path of local folder with script files
      • New /sci1(/sci2) CLI switch to use source control server to retrieve scripts for comparison
      • New /sct1(/sct2) CLI switch for source control type
      • New /scs1(/scs2) CLI switch for name of source control server
      • New /scu1(/scu2) CLI switch for login for connection to source control server
      • New /scp1(/scp2) CLI switch for password for connection to source control server
      • New /scr1(/scr2) CLI switch for repository on source control server
      • New /scj1(/scj2) CLI switch for project path containing script files on source control server
      • New /scd1(/scd2) CLI switch to delete script files from local folder before retrieving new files from source control
      • New /scl1(/scl2) CLI switch to get script files from source control by label
      • New /scdd1(/scdd2) CLI switch to drop temporary source control database (if exists)
      • New buttons "<< Clone" and "<< Reverse >>" for datasources in Project Settings
      • Added "Reset Page Settings to Last Saved Values" option in Project Settings
      • Added "Status" and "Action" columns to objects grid of Main Form
      • Added "Default Directory" and "Default File Name" options for synchronization script to "Options" form
      • Added filtering by checked/un-checked items in Difference Code panel
      • Added sql example for each option in Project Settings Form Options page contain
      • New "Properties" tab that allows changing of project name and description
      • Added tooltips for "Source" and "Destination" columns


      • NOT NULL columns are sometimes added to tables without default constraints
      • The presence of parentheses in Check Constraints is considered as a difference
      • Differences in filegroups may not be detected for tables
      • Equal functions incorrectly treated as different in MSSQL2K vs MSSQL2005 comparisons
      • 'Data is NULL' exception encountered during reloading of table columns
      • Diff Viewer does not ignore set comparison options even when the 'Ignore Comparison Option' is ON
      • The Functions as datatype dependencies aren't detected when the 'Include Dependent Database Objects' option is ON
      • The Rules difference not detected in Difference Code
      • Although Ignore Case and Ignore Comments options are unchecked, case and comment differences are still displayed in Difference Code Viewer
      • Incorrect existence checks generated for triggers when scripting from MSSQL2005 to MSSQL2K
      • Foreign Key Cascades are lost on synchronization
      • 'Dbo has insufficient rights' error during reloading of CLR DDL trigger
      • Schema/owner mapping algorithm sometimes cause synchronization exception
      • In case of mapping one source schema to multiple target schemas, an object may appear in the main grid several times and synchronization may result to an exception
      • During roles/members synchronization, users are not recognized as dependencies even when the 'Include Dependent Database Objects' option is turned on
      • The non-dependent table is incorrectly included on the Synchronization Wizard Dependencies detection step when schema mapping is used
      • HTML report generated with Javascript error for some options
      • Actions in Script Result step of Synchronization Wizard are incorrectly ordered when synchronizing UDT with dependent tables
      • User guest incorrectly loaded for databases where it doesn't exist
      • Nvarchar length in user datatype is sometimes incorrectly scripted
      • Application may hang during comparison of some stored procedures
      • Table DDL doesn't contain TEXTIMAGE_ON statement if column types are varchar(max), nvarchar(max) or varbinary(max)
      • NullReferenceException encountered during reloading of foreign key
      • Differences Viewer sometimes highlights differences without considering sql syntax
      • ArgumentNullException sometimes occurs while checking dependencies for table synchronization
      • Equal Rules displayed as different
      • 'Ignore Case In Names' may cause exception while comparison
      • User datatype synchronization script may fail if there is table that uses the datatype
      • Application roles default schemas are synchronized using DROP/CREATE instead of ALTER
      • Disabling DLL Triggers may cause error if output format of generated script is VBScript
      • If Default is bound to several columns on the same table, generated synch script fails
      • If one or more objects are bound to User, generated synch script fails
      • Assemblies that are dependent on DDL Triggers are not synchronized correctly
      • If Rule is bound to a Datatype, generated synch script fails
      • If Service is bound to a Contract, generated synch script fails
      • Other fixed exceptions (encountered during dependency checking):
        • 'The process cannot access the file .\Data\ServerName\DbName\cache2005.14.207.0.dat because it is being used by another process.'
        • 'End of Stream encountered before parsing was completed.'
        • 'DB create script contains more than one CREATE statement for: schema.object'
        • 'Unable to parse detected CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX'
        • 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object.'
      • 'Checked Only' option in the HTML/CVS Report Options form incorrectly displays equal objects in HTML/CVS report


      • Removed Property item from Differences Viewer context menu
      • Replaced Comparison Wizard with new Project Settings
      • In Project Settings, Options tab contains treeview for selecting option pages
      • Object Filter tab now contains tree view for selecting Individual Object Selection tabs
      • Synchronization Wizard redesign to 3-step wizard with advanced options
      • New "Reverse" button now allows user to change synchronization direction
      • Added status bar to Synchronization Wizard
      • Removed Outlook bar from main form
      • Added "Edit Current Project Settings..." menu item to content menu of objects grid
      • "Source owner" and "Destination owner" columns appear instead of "Owner" if owner mapping is used
      • Changed default sorting in objects grid to by status (#1 Not equal, #2 Added, #3 Missing, #4 Equal); default sorting within each group is now by object type (#1 Table, #2 View, #3 Procedure, #4 Function and so on)
      • Checkboxes are now not displayed in objects grid for equal objects
      • Removed "Automatically Re-Compare Objects After Synchronization" option from Synchronization Wizard
      • Option "Include Dependent Database Objects" in Synchronization Wizard is now checked by default
      • Removed "Explicitly Parse Database for Proper Script Creation Order" option from Synchronization Wizard and CLI commands
      • Removed "Treat Object Selections As Exclude" option from Synchronization Wizard
      • "Object Filter" panel moved to Main Form and toolbar counterpart removed

      Known limitations:

      • Decrypting of encrypted MSSQL 2005 objects not supported